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时间:2015-05-11 20:48来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:33.60]Theyre fierce warriors6, 他们是凶猛的战士 [03:34.80]but they live as one big family. 但他们却过着群居的生活 [03:36.80]Sharing is so much a part of their way of life 分享是他们生活方式的很大一部分
  •   [03:33.60]They’re fierce warriors6, 他们是凶猛的战士
      [03:34.80]but they live as one big family. 但他们却过着群居的生活
      [03:36.80]Sharing is so much a part of their way of life 分享是他们生活方式的很大一部分
      [03:38.36]that they have no word for ’thank you.’ 他们甚至不用说"谢谢"
      [03:43.44]I look forward to seeing you when I finally come home on leave. 我真想休假时见到你
      [03:45.84]I’ll finish this letter later." 我要结束这封信了"
      [00:19.68]It’s not famine-- there’s rice in the huts! 也不是饥荒  屋里面有米
      [00:19.96]It’s not like any disease. 这不像是疾病
      [00:25.00]It’s a white man with a rifle-- aiming at you. 有个拿来复枪的白人 向你瞄准
      [00:30.48]Listen... 听…
      [00:33.80]He’s gone now. 那人走了
      [00:39.04]Thank you. 谢谢
      [00:45.64]Can you track him? 你能跟上他吗?
      [01:40.36]- My God. - What? -天啊 -什么?
      [01:44.04]I think this could be a new species. 我想这可能是个新物种
      [01:47.12]It’s like the buffalo1 leech2, but bigger. 像水牛身上的水蛭 但要大一些
      [01:50.00]Would you mind just getting it off my back? 介不介意从我背上拿下来?
      [01:51.88]Maybe they’ll name it after you, sweetheart. 也许他们会用你的名字给它命名的 亲爱的
      [01:52.64]I don’t want to hurt it. 我可不想伤害它
      [02:01.00]Can you where you were when it bit you? 还记得它咬你时你在哪里吗?
      [02:03.24]No. 不
      [02:06.00]No, I can’t remember where I was when it bloody3 well bit me, 不 我可记不起这该死的咬我时我在哪里

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      字典情人      
