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时间:2015-04-07 22:56来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:62.36]你知道么,这真是疯了 You know, its... crazy [03:65.76]你能多么误解一个人 how wrong you can be about a person. [03:68.40]太混蛋了 Its crazy. [03:72.52]你以为他们是一种人 You think theyre one thing, [
  •   [03:62.36]你知道么,这真是疯了 You know, it’s... crazy
      [03:65.76]你能多么误解一个人 how wrong you can be about a person.
      [03:68.40]太混蛋了 It’s crazy.
      [03:72.52]你以为他们是一种人 You think they’re one thing,
      [03:74.16]结果却是完全相反 and then they turn out to be the exact opposite.
      [03:79.44]- 你说什么呢? - 你就打算坐在那里 - What are you talking about? - You’re gonna sit there
      [03:82.44]假装你不知道我在说什么? and act like you don’t know what I’m talking about?
      [03:83.76]假装你不知道我说什么? And act like you don’t know what I’m talking about?
      [04:27.80]好吧, OK.
      [04:29.52]好吧,好 All right. OK.
      [04:33.20]我是想告诉你,杜克,但是... I wanted to tell you, Duke, but...
      [04:37.56]...在这世界上我最爱的就是足球 ...I love soccer more than anything else in the world,
      [04:37.88]...你必须知道... ...you have to know...
      [04:41.12]我可以证明这一点 and I had a point to prove.
      [04:44.12]什么?! 你在跟我说你一直利用我 What?! So you’re telling me that you used me
      [04:45.52]在帮你练习足球 to help you with soccer,
      [04:48.28]然后你转过脸在我背后捅我一刀? and then you turn around and stab me in the back?
      [04:48.88]等一下,什么? 现在我真不知道你在说什么 Wait, what? Now I really don’t know what you’re talking about.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      足球尤物      
