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时间:2015-04-07 22:52来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:63.32]但是我提前一天回来了 but Im heading home a day early. [00:63.64]听着,我想了很久 Listen, Ive been thinking, [00:68.32]我们需要谈谈 and we really need to talk. [00:70.60]女士们... Ladies... [00:71.00]女士
  •   [00:63.32]但是我提前一天回来了 but I’m heading home a day early.
      [00:63.64]听着,我想了很久 Listen, I’ve been thinking,
      [00:68.32]我们需要谈谈 and we really need to talk.
      [00:70.60]女士们... Ladies...
      [00:71.00]女士们... Ladies...
      [00:73.00]女士们 Ladies.
      [00:75.36]大家好 Welcome.
      [00:78.12]我是谢丽尔·兰格丝特 斯特拉特福德少年联盟主席 My name is Cheryl Lancaster, president of the Stratford Junior League
      [00:82.40]以及今年新生社交季协调人 and coordinator1 of this year’s debutante2 season.
      [00:84.80]哦,谢谢 Oh, please.
      [01:27.40]谢谢,今天我们将回顾总的指导方针 Thank you. Today we’re gonna go over the guidelines
      [01:30.16]举办一场雍容优美的成人礼 for a graceful3, ladylike entree4 into society.
      [01:34.76]狗娘... Son of a...
      [01:38.52]你好 Hello.
      [01:41.12]这里 Hello there.
      [01:48.96]- 嗨 - 确定她集体照的时候 - Hi. - Make sure she’s in the back
      [01:50.56]站在后面 for the group photo.
      [01:52.64]感谢你能来参加,维奥拉. Thank you for joining us, Viola.
      [01:57.28]杀了我 Kill me.
      [01:76.00]维奥拉? 亲爱的 Viola? Darling.
      [01:80.68]记住,好似你有个小秘密一样的咀嚼 Remember, chew like you have a secret.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      足球尤物      
