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时间:2015-04-07 22:51来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:53.64]那个,我正要说 Well, I was just about to. [04:56.32]有个男子汉在身边是多棒的事情,不是么尤妮丝? Isnt it great to have a real man around, Eunice? [04:60.44]哦,当然 Oh, yes. [04:61.72]真正的男子
  •   [04:53.64]那个,我正要说 Well, I was just about to.
      [04:56.32]有个男子汉在身边是多棒的事情,不是么尤妮丝? Isn’t it great to have a real man around, Eunice?
      [04:60.44]哦,当然 Oh, yes.
      [04:61.72]真正的男子汉好难找的 A real man is difficult to find.
      [04:66.44]好难 So difficult.
      [04:69.84]赛巴斯蒂安在约尤妮丝. 她肯定比我想的要火辣 Sebastiars with Eunice. She must be hotter than I thought.
      [04:74.12]为什么我一想约尤妮丝,你们就开我玩笑? How come when I wanted to ask out Eunice everyone made fun?
      [04:77.12]赛巴斯蒂安一喜欢上她,她就突然变酷妹了? Sebastian likes her, suddenly she’s cool?
      [04:77.20]你们这群混蛋,我恨高中生活 Screw you guys. I hate high school.
      [04:82.76]尤妮丝! 手挪开! Eunice! Hands!
      [04:86.16]你知道么? 今天过得很高兴 但是我必须要去... You know what? This has been real fun, but I have to go...
      [00:29.84]...刮脸 ...shave.
      [00:32.72]好 OK.
      [00:35.88]那个,过得很愉快,我们以后再见 Well, this has been lovely. Let’s do it again sometime.
      [00:40.00]- 什么? - 很快,再见 - What? - Soon. Bye.
      [00:46.64]那个... So...
      [00:48.64]...你喜欢起司么? ...do you like cheese?
      [00:51.32]所有动物副产品中我的最爱 More than almost any other animal byproduct.
      [00:59.44]嘿,摩妮琪,这是,赛巴斯蒂安. Hey Monique, it’s Sebastian.
      [00:59.96]我不知道维奥拉有没有告诉你我在伦敦 I don’t know if Viola told you I’m in London,

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      足球尤物      
