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时间:2015-04-06 22:26来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:66.84]然后不知羞耻的利用他 And then use him shamelessly. [00:68.60]哇 Wow. [00:73.88]那个,你应该给维奥拉打个电话 So, you should call Viola up. [00:76.12]是啊,我想我会的 Yeah. I think I will. [00:80.52]嘿
  •   [00:66.84]然后不知羞耻的利用他 And then use him shamelessly.
      [00:68.60]哇 Wow.
      [00:73.88]那个,你应该给维奥拉打个电话 So, you should call Viola up.
      [00:76.12]是啊,我想我会的 Yeah. I think I will.
      [00:80.52]嘿, 杜克. Hey, Duke.
      [00:82.20]- 赛巴斯蒂安. - 奥莉维亚. - Sebastian. - Olivia.
      [00:86.56]你今天抬举了多少磅? What’re you bench-pressing these days?
      [00:86.80]奥莉维亚. Olivia.
      [01:30.00]225. 让人印象深刻 225. Very impressive.
      [01:31.24]谢谢 Thanks.
      [01:34.92]那个, 杜克,你刚才不是要打电话么 So, Duke, about that call that you were gonna make.
      [01:36.40]- 你还打不打? - 是啊,谢谢 - You gonna make that? - Yeah. Thank you.
      [01:39.72]这个225你能举多少次? So how many reps can you do with that 225?
      [01:41.92]大概20...20个 Like 20... 20.
      [01:46.40]225比我重两倍还多 225 is more than twice what I weigh.
      [01:50.64]你能举我多少次? How many reps could you do with me?
      [01:52.20]四十 Forty.
      [01:61.48]你好? Hello?
      [01:62.76]赛巴斯蒂安 告诉我打电话给你 Sebastian to/d me to ca// you.
      [01:63.28]嗨,我是维奥拉. Hi, it’s Viola.
      [01:66.04]- 我很愿意和你吃晚饭 - 好的,什么? - I’d love to go to dinner. - Yeah. What?
      [01:70.12]我能不能一会打给你? Can I call you back?
      [01:72.60]因为我要... Because I gotta...
      [01:75.20]...换一下我的脚 ...change my feet.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      足球尤物      
