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时间:2015-03-22 20:13来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:07.88]你算什么,家里的矮冬瓜? What are you, the runt of the family? [02:18.60]好了,脱衣训练 OK, shirts and skins. [02:23.88]对不起,教练 我得穿着上衣 Pardon me, sir. I have to be a shirt. [02:25.68]- 什么
  •   [02:07.88]你算什么,家里的矮冬瓜? What are you, the runt of the family?
      [02:18.60]好了,脱衣训练 OK, shirts and skins.
      [02:23.88]对不起,教练 我得穿着上衣 Pardon me, sir. I have to be a shirt.
      [02:25.68]- 什么? - 我对阳光敏感 - What? - I’m allergic2 to the sun.
      [02:30.36]你对阳光敏感? You’re allergic to the sun?
      [02:31.44]非常非常非常敏感 致命的敏感 Very, very, very deathly, deathly allergic.
      [02:36.32]我天天为你打把阳伞 好吗,大少爷? So I’ll follow you around with a parasol. All right, Nancy boy?
      [02:36.40]我们很乐意和伊利里亚通融一下 We like to accommodate3 here at Illyria.
      [02:43.04]那就穿着吧 You’re a shirt.
      [02:46.72]好了,队员们,开始了 OK, guys, let’s go.
      [02:51.00]一,二,三! One, two, three!
      [02:51.00]一,二,三! 一,二,三! One, two, three! One, two, three!
      [03:44.08]我今天已看到不少激情和承诺 I’ve seen a lot of energy and commitment4 out there today.
      [03:48.44]值得让一名教练自豪 And that makes a coach proud.
      [03:51.76]现在,我要把你们分成 先锋队和候补队 Now, I want to split5 us up into first string and second string.
      [03:54.56]你们候补队员 别太丧气 You second-stringers, don’t take it too hard.
      [03:58.92]你们和先锋队一样重要 You’re just as much part of this team as the first-stringers.
      [04:00.28]当然只是在场外 Apart from, of course, playing the game part.
      [04:05.28]舒乐 Schuler.
      [04:09.16]海姆斯 Haims.

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