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时间:2015-03-22 20:09来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:09.24]塞巴斯蒂安 Sebastian. [04:09.24]- 瑟巴斯蒂安! - 你刚在和你哥哥说话? - Sebastian! - Were you talking with your brother? [04:14.40]不。是的 No. Yes. [04:16.52]电话里。他在老爸那儿。再见,老爸
  •   [04:09.24]塞巴斯蒂安 Sebastian.
      [04:09.24]- 瑟巴斯蒂安! - 你刚在和你哥哥说话? - Sebastian! - Were you talking with your brother?
      [04:14.40]不。是的 No. Yes.
      [04:16.52]电话里。他在老爸那儿。再见,老爸 On the phone. He’s at Dad’s. Bye, Dad.
      [04:18.20]想象一下: Picture this:
      [04:21.48]我们在乡间俱乐部 We’re at the country club,
      [04:22.56]他们报道你的名字, 你穿这身出场 they call your name, and you emerge in this.
      [04:30.40]不要,对不起,老妈。 我坚决不穿褶皱衣服 No. Sorry, Mom. I have a strict no-ruffles policy.
      [04:35.20]有时候你和你哥真是一副德性 Sometimes I just think you just might as well be your brother.
      [04:42.56]知道吗? You know what?
      [04:46.32]不让加入,那就打败他们 If you can’t join them, beat them.
      [04:52.68]你要我把你变成你哥哥? You want me to turn you into your brother?
      [04:54.48]没错。 我假扮塞巴斯蒂安去伊利里亚 That’s right. I’m going to Illyria as Sebastian.
      [04:56.16]我会组建自己的足球队 并在12天内打败康沃尔男队 I’ll make the boys soccer team, and in 12 days beat the Cornwall boys team.
      [05:00.00]行了,你顶球顶怀脑袋了 You’ve taken too many soccer balls to the head.
      [00:04.00]你知道我能行的,鲍尔 You know I can do it, Paul.
      [00:05.88]但声音,习惯,胸部,思想等… Except for the voice, mannerisms, the breasts, the mentality1 and...
      [00:10.16]无所谓,反正伊利里亚里 没人认识塞巴斯蒂安 It doesn’t matter. Nobody at Illyria has even met Sebastian.
      [00:14.24]- 他们察觉不到的 - 他们知道你是个女的 - They won’t know the difference. - They’ll know he’s a girl.
      [00:17.52]- 哦,拜托,鲍尔 - 是啊,帮帮她,鲍尔 - Oh, come on, Paul. - Yeah, come on, Paul.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      足球尤物      
