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时间:2015-03-22 20:08来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:14.24]我怎么会生出你这个女儿 How could I wind up with a daughter [02:16.24]成天就在野地里踢泥巴球 who only wants to kick a muddy ball around a field all day? [02:21.28]但世界回归正轨了,妈妈 他们解散了
  •   [02:14.24]我怎么会生出你这个女儿 How could I wind up with a daughter
      [02:16.24]成天就在野地里踢泥巴球 who only wants to kick a muddy ball around a field all day?
      [02:21.28]但世界回归正轨了,妈妈 他们解散了我们队 Well, the world has been set right, Mom. They cut my team.
      [02:23.28]- 什么?不踢球了? - 是啊,没错。不踢了 - What? No soccer? - Yeah, that’s right. No soccer.
      [02:28.32]- 真可惜 - 是啊,我知道你悲痛欲绝 - How sad. - Yeah, I can see you’re all torn up.
      [02:30.52]但,贾斯丁会喜欢你穿这个的 Well, Justirs gonna love you in this.
      [02:35.92]这理由也不成立了 我把他甩了 Yet another reason not to wear it. I dumped him.
      [02:37.72]- 什么?为什么? - 我不想说 - What? Why? - I don’t wanna talk about it.
      [02:40.56]他那么帅,又强壮 He’s so handsome and rugged4
      [02:43.44]轮廓明显又会踢球 and chiseled5 and great.
      [02:46.72]那你怎么不约他,老妈? Then why don’t you date him, Mom?
      [02:50.12]不,我不行 No, I couldn’t.
      [02:54.80]你还好吗? You OK?
      [02:55.32]- 嘿,塞巴斯蒂安 - 嘿 - Hey, Sebastian. - Hey.
      [02:58.48]摩妮琪刚找你 Monique was looking for you.
      [03:01.48]你为什么会找上她做女友 Why do you even date her, anyway?
      [03:03.92]她够辣!你不懂男人 She’s hot. It’s a guy thing.
      [03:06.00]但她真讨人厌 But she’s so awful.
      [03:09.52]喂,你知道你可以用前门 Hey, you know, you could use the front door.
      [03:11.48]不能让老妈看到我 And Mom can’t see me.
      [03:15.56]她以为我住老爸那里 老爸以为我住这里 She thinks I’m staying at Dad’s. Dad thinks I’m at Mom’s.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      足球尤物      
