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时间:2015-01-05 21:56来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:36.94]and made me the simply unpleasant man I am today. 把我改造成今天这个简单的不讨人喜欢的男人 [04:43.47]So, isnt your fiance starting to get just a tad lonely? 那么 你的未婚夫是不是有点寂寞啊? [04:4
  •   [04:36.94]and made me the simply unpleasant man I am today. 把我改造成今天这个简单的不讨人喜欢的男人
      [04:43.47]So, isn’t your fiance starting to get just a tad lonely? 那么 你的未婚夫是不是有点寂寞啊?
      [04:46.48]You know, Victor’s having the time of his life right now. 要知道 维克多现在正在享受人生呢
      [04:49.71]And I doubt he even notices that I’m gone. 我都怀疑他有没有意识到我不在
      [04:52.52]What about you? 你呢?
      [04:54.49]Don’t you have a girlfriend?       That is a very, very long story. 你没女朋友吗?      说来话可就长了
      [04:59.22]Yeah? I’m not surprised. 是吗? 意料之中
      [05:00.79]It’s been about a year since I’ve seen Patricia. 我都一年没见过帕翠莎了
      [00:03.29]And you broke up with her? 是你跟她分手的?
      [00:07.37]Are you insinuating that I’m more the type to be dumped  你是暗示我是像那种被甩的
      [00:09.78]rather than do the dumping? 而不是甩人的吗?
      [00:11.77]Maybe I am. 也许我是
      [00:12.87]Actually, I did break up with Patricia. This time. 事实上 这次是我跟帕翠莎提分手的
      [00:25.22]Okay, that’s enough. 好了 看够了吧
      [00:32.12]All right. That’s enough. 好的 够了
      [00:35.83]Sophie...       That’s enough. 索菲...      够了
      [00:38.40]Your writing is really good.       Thank you. 你写的非常好      谢谢
      [00:41.30]No. It’s really, really, really good. 不 是超级 特别 无敌的好
      [00:45.27]Why are you so surprised? 为什么这么吃惊?

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