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时间:2014-12-30 20:18来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:36.62]I cant imagine shed have much interest, Gran. 我无法想象她会有这个兴趣 奶奶 [01:39.02]Try me. You know the sort of thing, 说来听听 你知道这些事啦 [01:41.99]defending the defenseless, preserving human right
  •   [01:36.62]I can’t imagine she’d have much interest, Gran. 我无法想象她会有这个兴趣 奶奶
      [01:39.02]Try me.       You know the sort of thing, 说来听听      你知道这些事啦
      [01:41.99]defending the defenseless, preserving human rights,  维护无防备的人们 保护人权
      [01:44.17]helping refugees get asylum. 帮难民找避难所
      [01:46.80]You look surprised.       I’m so surprised. 你看起来很吃惊     我就是吃惊
      [01:49.03]I just didn’t have you pinned down as the save-humanity type at all. 我就是不能把你跟保护人权联系在一块
      [01:54.31]Really? 真的?
      [01:57.61]And what type did you have me pinned down for exactly? 那你把我归为哪种类型?
      [02:01.15]Well, I was leaning towards elitist Oxford prig, 我倾向于杰出的牛津纨绔子弟
      [02:04.42]but now that you mention it,  但既然你自己说到了
      [02:05.43]self-satisfied do-gooder works, as well. 同时也做自我满足且受人尊敬的工作
      [02:08.25]I guess you’re a poor judge of character then. 那你可真不会判断性格
      [02:10.46]But she does deal with facts, Charlie. 但她是看重事实的 查理
      [02:15.36]Okay. 好吧
      [02:17.10]I’m off to bed.       Okay. 我要睡觉了      好的
      [02:20.20]Good night, darling.       Good night. Sleep well. 晚安 亲爱的      晚安 好梦
      [02:22.27]May I walk you to your room?       Be nice to each other. 我要陪你回房间吗?      对彼此友善点
      [02:30.34]She is awesome. 她很棒
      [02:32.88]I respect your usage of the word this one instance. 这次我破例尊重你的用词
      [02:35.01]Oh, I’m flattered. Thank you for approving. 我受宠若惊 谢谢你的同意
      [02:37.38]You’re very welcome. 不客气
      [02:42.49]Right. Well. Should we hit the sack? 好吧 我们是不是该就寝了?
      [02:45.69]Sorry. I guess I... 抱歉 我可能...
      [02:49.33]Well, as much as I’d love to sit here  好吧 尽管我很想坐在这里
      [02:52.12]and drink the whole bottle of Caparzo... 喝完整瓶酒...
      [02:55.10]No, go to bed. You should. Good night, Charlie. 好了 上床吧 晚安 查理
      [02:59.50]Right. 好的

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      给朱丽叶的信      
