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时间:2014-12-30 20:17来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:26.13]Claire? 克莱尔 [03:28.53]Im free. 我自由了 [03:30.77]Free for what? Free for what? Shes coming. 什么自由? 自由何来? 她要去 [03:32.34]Shes coming with us. Shes coming? Splendid. 她要跟我们一起去 她也来?
  •   [03:26.13]Claire? 克莱尔
      [03:28.53]I’m free. 我自由了
      [03:30.77]Free for what? Free for what?       She’s coming. 什么自由? 自由何来?      她要去
      [03:32.34]She’s coming with us.       She’s coming? Splendid. 她要跟我们一起去      她也来? 太好了
      [03:34.31]That’s splendid! Fantastic! 这真是太好了!
      [04:02.31]Too bad I’m not the Lorenzo you’re looking for. 真可惜我不是你要找的洛伦佐
      [04:06.31]If you don’t find him, come back. 如果你找不到他 那就回来
      [04:11.31]I’ll make you a fish dinner. 我会给你做一顿鱼餐
      [04:14.51]Okay?       Okay. 好不?      好的
      [04:24.29]Good luck. 好运
      [04:57.62]It’s not him. 不是他
      [04:59.46]Oh, my God. No! 天哪 不!
      [00:31.09]Well, wouldn’t this be nice, Gran? 这样不好吗 奶奶?
      [00:33.53]Going from a boy who works the fields to a man who owns them. 先是在农场干活的男孩 现在是拥有农场的富翁
      [00:37.03]And you got to skip the messy bits. 把中间的漫长过渡省掉了
      [00:42.33]Life is the messy bits. 生命就是漫长的过渡
      [00:52.01]Peccato it wasn’t me. 真遗憾那不是我
      [00:55.28]Yes. 是的
      [00:58.88]I would have never let you go. 我是绝对不会让你走的
      [01:02.65]Believe me. 相信我
      [01:15.03]What is it with you and Italian men? They fall at your feet. 你跟意大利男人咋那么来感? 他们拜倒在你脚下
      [01:19.10]It’s such a shame. I think I could’ve been happy here. 真可惜 我还以为在这里会开心的
      [01:21.81]Happy? Did your grandson just say happy? 开心? 你孙子刚说了开心这个词耶
      [01:24.81]I said could have been. 我是说本以为
      [01:26.34]Let’s not get carried away. I have a reputation to uphold. 别岔开话题 我要保持名声呢
      [01:31.75]Charlie, why don’t you tell Sophi about your pro bono legal work? 查理 怎么不告诉索菲你的公益法律计划?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      给朱丽叶的信      
