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时间:2014-12-30 20:15来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:02.33]Cant say we didnt try, Nana. Im sorry. Truly. 我们至少尝试过 奶奶 真的很抱歉 [00:04.80]Are you for real? 你是说真的吗? [00:06.00]If I actually knew what that question meant, 要是我知道这问题的意义 [0
  •   [00:02.33]Can’t say we didn’t try, Nana. I’m sorry. Truly. 我们至少尝试过 奶奶 真的很抱歉
      [00:04.80]Are you for real? 你是说真的吗?
      [00:06.00]If I actually knew what that question meant,  要是我知道这问题的意义
      [00:07.80]I might attempt to answer it. 我可能会回答呢
      [00:09.70]He can’t be the only Lorenzo Bartolini in Tuscany. 托斯卡纳又不是只有他一个洛伦佐·巴托里尼
      [00:14.71]Well, he’s the only one around here, so... 他是这周围的唯一一个 那么...
      [00:16.51]I haven’t flown all the way here to pack it in now. 我大老远飞过去 不会这么打道回府的
      [00:19.95]Nana, what do you want to do? 奶奶 你还想怎么样?
      [00:21.38]You want to start knocking on every door  你要去挨家挨户敲门
      [00:23.35]asking if Lorenzo’s in? I mean... 问洛伦佐在不在吗? 我说...
      [00:27.39]How many can there be? 可能有多少个重名的?
      [00:30.09]Seventy-four? 74个?
      [00:31.82]Seventy-four Lorenzo Bartolinis and you want to go on a scavenger hunt? 74个洛伦佐·巴托里尼 你就这么挨个找吗?
      [00:35.93]Impossible. We’re going home in the morning. 不可能 我们明早就回家
      [00:37.53]Come on, Charlie, will you calm down? Sophie, what do you think? 好了 查理 冷静一点 索菲 你怎么想?
      [00:41.13]Gran, what do you mean, what does she think? She doesn’t think. 奶奶 她怎么想是什么意思? 她不会想的
      [00:44.30]This was her brilliant idea. It’s over! Done! We found Nemo. 整件事就是她灵光一现 现在没了! 事毕!

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      给朱丽叶的信      
