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时间:2014-12-30 20:16来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:48.37]The curtains have closed. 机会的大门关上了 [00:52.41]Sophie. Listen, this is my job. 索菲 听着 这是我的工作 [00:55.05]I find things. And through process of elimination 我要发现事实 排除无关事以及购者
  •   [00:48.37]The curtains have closed. 机会的大门关上了
      [00:52.41]Sophie.       Listen, this is my job. 索菲      听着 这是我的工作
      [00:55.05]I find things. And through process of elimination 我要发现事实 排除无关事以及购者自慎
      [00:59.08]and caveat emptor, which will require assembling a few more facts, 这就要求结合更多别的事实
      [01:02.59]we can narrow this down considerably. 我们可以将范围缩小很多
      [01:04.82]Did Ms. Awesome For Real just use caveat emptor? 真棒女士说买者自慎?
      [01:07.93]Oh, please, all right. I went to Brown. Double Major. Minor in Latin. 好了 我上的布朗大学 双学位 第二学位是拉丁文
      [01:12.10]This is madness. It’s madness. 真是疯了 真疯了
      [01:14.60]Charlie, didn’t you say you wanted to go and swim? 查理 你不是说想去游泳吗?
      [01:18.37]We are working. Go away.       This is utter, complete mad... 我们在工作 走开      你们完完全全疯...
      [01:21.64]Work! 工作!
      [01:24.24]I can’t believe it. 真不敢相信
      [01:26.68]Ridiculous. 可笑
      [01:33.15]He’s a good-looking sort. 他挺帅的
      [01:35.85]Isn’t he? 是不是?
      [01:42.19]All right. Are you sure that Lorenzo would never have left this area? 好吧 你能确定洛伦佐绝对不会离开这里吗?
      [01:47.20]He loved this land. I’m quite certain. 他喜欢这片土地 我很确定
      [01:54.67]May I? 可以吗?
      [02:10.09]Our Lorenzos. 我们的洛伦佐们
      [02:18.83]Are you sure that you have time for all this? 你确定你有这么多时间吗
      [02:33.45]Ciao. How are you? 你好吗?
      [02:35.35]I’m good. How are you? 很好 你呢?
      [02:37.42]You know what? I was just witnessing this most incredible, 知道吗 我刚目睹了最不可思议的

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      给朱丽叶的信      
