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时间:2014-12-28 22:19来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:54.96]Good afternoon. Im Charlie Wyman. 下午好 我是查理怀曼 [03:57.73]This is my grandmother, Claire, 这是我奶奶 克莱尔 [04:00.30]and Sophie. Ciao. 还有索菲 你好 [04:03.64]Im Claire. Do you remember? 我是克莱尔
  •   [03:54.96]Good afternoon. I’m Charlie Wyman. 下午好 我是查理·怀曼
      [03:57.73]This is my grandmother, Claire, 这是我奶奶 克莱尔
      [04:00.30]and Sophie.       Ciao. 还有索菲      你好
      [04:03.64]I’m Claire. Do you remember? 我是克莱尔 记得吗?
      [04:07.61]Claire. 克莱尔
      [04:13.31]It’s not him. 不是他
      [04:16.25]Are you sure? 你确定?
      [04:18.22]It’s not his eyes. 这不是他的眼睛
      [04:25.76]Let’s make sure. 我们来确定看看
      [04:27.49]Do you remember what you were doing in the summer of 1957? 还记得1957年的夏天你在做什么吗?
      [04:32.46]The summer of 1957, I will never forget, 1957的夏天 我永远也不会忘记
      [04:36.34]I met the most beautiful girl with long, blonde hair. 我见到了最美的女孩 她有长长的金发
      [04:40.94]Nana! 奶奶
      [04:42.11]We married that year. 那一年我们结婚了
      [04:47.05]I curse that woman!        What? 我诅咒她!      什么?
      [04:49.21]Oh, no!       Right. 不是吧!      是的
      [04:50.35]I curse her eyes! I curse her teeth!  我诅咒她的眼睛! 我诅咒她的牙齿!
      [04:52.80]I curse her mustache! 我诅咒她的小胡子
      [04:54.69]But why are you asking? Why you bring up such a horrible memory? 但你问这个干嘛? 为什么要勾起我悲惨的回忆?
      [05:00.69]Well, that went well. 进展很顺利

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      给朱丽叶的信      
