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时间:2014-12-28 22:18来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:03.43]He loved talking to me about the rain 他喜欢跟我说起雨水 [00:08.70]and the springs of fresh water, 新鲜的泉水 [00:11.47]and wed walk for miles and miles. 我们会走很远很远的路 [00:14.44]Wed lie in the dry gr
  •   [00:03.43]He loved talking to me about the rain 他喜欢跟我说起雨水
      [00:08.70]and the springs of fresh water, 新鲜的泉水
      [00:11.47]and we’d walk for miles and miles. 我们会走很远很远的路
      [00:14.44]We’d lie in the dry grass. 我们躺在干草垛里
      [00:17.11]I can still remember 我还记得
      [00:20.18]the smell of his sweet, hot sweat and... 他那甜蜜 温暖的汗味 还有...
      [00:24.62]Okay. Okay, Gran. We get the picture. 好了 奶奶 我们懂的
      [00:29.26]So you must feel like you’re about to find your long-lost soul mate. 你一定觉得你马上要找到失散已久的灵魂伴侣了
      [00:32.69]Yes. 是的
      [00:33.89]Her soul mate was my grandfather.  她的灵魂伴侣是我爷爷
      [00:35.83]Let’s not invalidate my entire existence. 请不要忽视我的存在
      [00:37.30]Okay, I’m sorry, I just... That’s clearly not what I meant. 对不起 我只是...我绝对不是这个意思
      [00:41.93]Charlie’s just like my husband. 查理跟我丈夫很像
      [00:45.34]Both skeptics. 疑心重重
      [00:46.81]My husband always insisted that love was nothing but hormones. 我丈夫一直主张爱情就是荷尔蒙而已
      [00:50.81]But you see, underneath, he had such a warm, passionate heart. 但是你看 他的内心是多么的温暖而有激情
      [00:55.15]And Charlie’s just the same. 查理也是一样
      [01:01.45]Tell me about the guy you’re in love with. 跟我说说你爱的人
      [01:06.59]Victor. 维克多
      [01:08.69]Yeah. 好的
      [01:16.47]Well, Victor is a chef, an amazing chef.       Wow. 维克多是个主厨 很棒的厨师      哇
      [01:20.74]Yeah. He’s opening his own restaurant in New York. 是的 他要在纽约开自己的餐厅

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