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时间:2014-12-28 22:17来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:24.30]It started out as a simple reply to your letter, 这一切开始于看到信的反应 [03:27.17]and now I think its so amazing what youre doing, 现在我觉得你要做的事太美好了 [03:31.14]and Id love to write about it if
  •   [03:24.30]It started out as a simple reply to your letter, 这一切开始于看到信的反应
      [03:27.17]and now I think it’s so amazing what you’re doing, 现在我觉得你要做的事太美好了
      [03:31.14]and I’d love to write about it if it’s okay.        A journalist. 如果可以的话 我想把它写下来      作家
      [03:34.31]Gran, a journalist trying to pry into our private lives. 奶奶 有位作家大人想探入我们的私人生活
      [03:37.34]Charlie, come on. It’s hardly state secrets, is it? 查理 好了 这又不是国家机密 是不是?
      [03:40.21]I’m not a journalist. I would like to be some day, but... 我不是作家 希望有一天我能当上作家 但是...
      [03:43.15]And you think Gran’s story is your ticket? 你觉得奶奶的故事能当你的垫脚石?
      [03:45.48]I think it’s a story worth telling. 我觉得这故事值得讲出来
      [03:47.32]I’d love to have you with us. 我希望你能跟我们一起去
      [03:48.92]Really?       Yes. Of course. 真的吗?      是的 当然
      [03:51.82]We would. 我们会的
      [04:40.07]How much time did you actually spend with Lorenzo? 你到底跟洛伦佐相处了多久?
      [04:43.41]Every second that we could. 可能的每一分每一秒
      [04:45.81]I’d go to meet him after class, to the farm where he was working, 下课后我会去见他 去他工作的农场
      [04:50.22]and we’d sit under the trees  我们会坐在树下
      [04:52.12]and we’d share some bread with tomatoes and olive oil. 就着西红柿和橄榄油吃面包
      [04:55.63]It’s so romantic.       Yeah. 好浪漫      是的
      [04:57.02]What’s so romantic about eating in the dirt? 在飞沙中吃面包有什么好浪漫的
      [04:58.82]Really? 真的?
      [04:59.89]The dirt. Well, you see, he loved the earth. 飞沙 他喜欢地球

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      给朱丽叶的信      
