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时间:2014-12-28 22:13来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:23.34]Love, Claire. 爱你的 克莱尔 [01:25.28]And its been there for all those years? 这信已经那么多年了? [01:29.45]I think she came back to find her one true love. 我觉得她回来是寻找真爱的 [01:34.79]And they ha
  •   [01:23.34]"Love, Claire. " "爱你的 克莱尔"
      [01:25.28]And it’s been there for all those years? 这信已经那么多年了?
      [01:29.45]I think she came back to find her one true love. 我觉得她回来是寻找真爱的
      [01:34.79]And they had 10 children and still make passionate love every night. 他们会生10个孩子 每晚还会激情地做爱
      [01:40.43]Except he got bald and fat and she has to do all the work. 只不过他变得又秃又胖 一切只能靠她
      [01:45.40]Francesca.       Francesca. 弗郎西丝卡      弗郎西丝卡
      [01:46.83]And maybe she stayed in London and married a duke 也许她留在伦敦 嫁给一个公爵
      [01:51.17]and lived happily ever after, just like me. 从此幸福地生活在一起 就像我一样
      [01:54.98]But you married an accountant, not a duke.       Nobody’s perfect. 但你嫁的是会计 不是公爵      人无完人嘛
      [01:58.28]And I bet when she’s making love to that duke... 我打赌她在跟公爵做爱时...
      [02:01.45]Yeah?        ... she’s imagining her first love, Lorenzo. 怎样?      她想的是她第一个爱人 洛伦佐
      [02:07.85]Isabella, I have to write back. 伊莎贝拉 我得给她回信
      [02:18.03]Then answer her. 那就回信给她
      [02:46.69]Good night, friends. 晚安 朋友们
      [03:13.92]Good night. 晚安
      [04:12.75]Hey. 嘿
      [04:15.05]Hey. 嘿
      [04:16.38]Sorry I’m late.       No, it’s fine. No worries. 对不起 我来晚了      没事 别担心
      [04:19.39]How was your day? Good?       It was... 你过得怎么样 还好吗?      真是...
      [04:21.15]It was so good.       Yeah? 太美好了      是吗?
      [04:22.56]Yeah.       Good. I’m glad. 是的      我很高兴
      [04:24.26]How was Angelina? 安吉丽娜怎么样?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      给朱丽叶的信      
