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时间:2014-12-28 22:12来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:22.66]Okay, what shall I do? I mean, my hands are tied. 我要怎么做? 我分身乏术 [04:24.99]I dont know. I dont know. 我不知道 不知道 [04:26.13]You could help us if you like. 如果你愿意 可以帮我们 [04:28.13]Yeah!
  •   [04:22.66]Okay, what shall I do? I mean, my hands are tied. 我要怎么做? 我分身乏术
      [04:24.99]I don’t know. I don’t know. 我不知道 不知道
      [04:26.13]You could help us if you like. 如果你愿意 可以帮我们
      [04:28.13]Yeah! Yeah. The letter thing, right? Why not? 是啊 那些信 为什么不呢?
      [04:30.56]Yeah, yeah, you write the letters and I’ll cook. And later we eat and... 对了 你去写信 我来煮饭 之后我们吃饭...
      [04:33.57]Win-win. 双赢
      [04:35.90]How long have you and Victor been engaged? 你和维克多订婚多久了?
      [04:37.77]Almost a year. 快一年了
      [04:39.01]Wow. And may I ask why don’t you wear an engagement ring? 哇 能不能问一句 为什么不戴订婚戒指
      [04:42.84]Yeah, see, that’s... That’s me. I insisted. 看 这是... 因为我 我坚持的
      [04:46.11]He was so busy, you know, this whole restaurant and everything. 他很忙 要顾餐厅还有别的
      [04:50.02]And I guess I felt it unnecessary. 我觉得这不必要
      [04:55.56]Still, a girl should have a ring. 但是 女孩还是要有戒指的
      [00:45.34]"I didn’t go to him, Juliet. "我没去找他 朱丽叶
      [00:48.44]"I didn’t go to Lorenzo. "我没去找洛伦佐
      [00:51.31]"His eyes were so full of trust. "他的眼睛满是对我的信任
      [00:54.35]"I promised I’d meet him to run away together "我答应去见他 一起私奔
      [00:57.38]"because my parents don’t approve. "因为我父母不同意我们在一起
      [00:59.55]"But instead, I left him waiting for me, below our tree, "然而 我让他一直等我 在我们的树下
      [01:05.03]"waiting and wondering where I was. "等候 并猜想我到底在哪儿
      [01:08.66]"I’m in Verona now. "我现在在维罗纳
      [01:10.30]"I return to London in the morning, and I’m so afraid. "我早上就要回伦敦了 我好害怕
      [01:15.14]"Please, Juliet, tell me what I should do. "拜托 朱丽叶 告诉我应该怎么做
      [01:18.74]"My heart is breaking, and I have no one else to turn to. "我的心要碎了 我没人可以求助

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      给朱丽叶的信      
