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时间:2014-12-28 22:13来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:25.46]Yeah, it was good. I mean, shes amazing, you know. 很好 她太棒了 [04:28.02]That woman is incredible. 那女人真了不起 [04:29.16]Shes very instinctive, you know. She cooks without recipes. 她很遵循本能 她煮菜不要
  •   [04:25.46]Yeah, it was good. I mean, she’s amazing, you know.  很好 她太棒了
      [04:28.02]That woman is incredible. 那女人真了不起
      [04:29.16]She’s very instinctive, you know. She cooks without recipes. 她很遵循本能 她煮菜不要菜谱的
      [04:32.30]I mean, she’s incredible. 我是说 她真不可思议
      [04:33.43]She’s invited me to cook again.       Really? 她请我再一起去煮菜      真的吗?
      [04:35.24]Yeah. Yeah, I think I can learn a lot from her. 是的 我觉得从她身上可以学到很多东西
      [04:37.70]But... 但是...
      [04:38.97]No, no, you first, you first. Sorry, sorry. 不 你是第一位的 对不起
      [04:41.67]No, just real quick. I just...       Mmm-hmm? 不 很快就好 我...      嗯哼
      [04:44.68]I had the most amazing day. 这是最美妙的一天
      [04:46.81]I got to answer a letter that was written 50 years ago. 我给一封50年前的信回信
      [04:50.02]I know it might not get there, but it just feels so good to write. 我知道信可能送不到 但能写作真的很高兴
      [04:54.95]Yeah, I think you should spend more time with them. 是的 你应该多跟她们相处
      [04:57.66]Why?       Because it’s your passion, right? 为什么?      因为这是你的激情
      [00:01.76]And also because it fits perfectly. 也因为这样很合适
      [00:03.73]Because I just got off the phone with Signor Morini, 因为我刚跟辛约格·莫里尼通过电话
      [00:06.47]and he’s invited me to this amazing wine auction 他约我去里窝那的
      [00:09.00]that’s happening in Livorno. 很棒的红酒拍卖会
      [00:10.30]In Livorno?       Yeah, yeah, yeah. 里窝那?      是的
      [00:12.61]It’s super-exclusive. 只此一家
      [00:14.17]I mean, I don’t know... I don’t know if I can get a ticket, you know. 我不知道... 我也不知道能不能搞到票
      [00:17.71]I mean, I’ll be off, like, a day or two, max.  我是说 我可能会离开一两天
      [00:20.54]If you want, I’ll try to get two tickets, 如果你想的话 我会搞到两张票的
      [00:22.48]but I’m not sure I can get two tickets.       Yeah. 但我也不确定能不能弄到      好吧
      [00:25.42]To a wine auction? In Livorno? 红酒拍卖会? 在里窝那?
      [00:27.99]Yeah, it sounds terrible. I know. 我知道 听起来很可怕
      [00:30.19]I’m sorry. I’m so... 对不起 我太...

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      给朱丽叶的信      
