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时间:2014-12-28 22:08来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:02.26]Husbands are like wine. They take a long time to mature. 丈夫就像酒 需要时间才能成熟 [00:07.80]Francesca is a nurse. She deals with illness and loss. 弗兰西斯卡是护士 她专管疾病和丧失 [00:11.67]And Mar
  •   [00:02.26]Husbands are like wine. They take a long time to mature. 丈夫就像酒 需要时间才能成熟
      [00:07.80]Francesca is a nurse. She deals with illness and loss. 弗兰西斯卡是护士 她专管疾病和丧失
      [00:11.67]And Maria... 还有马利亚...
      [00:13.24]Why do you always sigh when you say my name? 你说我名字的时候为什么总要叹气呢?
      [00:15.61]She has 12 children, 29 grandchildren, and 16 great-grandchildren. 她有12个孩子 29个孙子 还有16个重孙子
      [00:20.55]She writes whatever she likes.       And you? 她爱回什么就回什么      你呢?
      [00:23.35]Isabella answers the ones you can barely read. 伊莎丽拉管那些看不出来写了啥的
      [00:27.59]Yeah, the lovers’ quarrels, the breakups, the really tangled hearts. 是的 爱情中的争吵啊 分手啊 悲痛的心灵啊
      [00:32.86]Someone has to do it. 这也得有人回啊
      [00:36.53]My mother. Would you like to stay for dinner, Sophie? 是我妈妈 你想留下吃晚饭吗 索菲?
      [00:49.28]Mamma, this is not an insult. 妈妈 这不是无礼
      [00:53.81]I make a beautiful dish, big enough for the whole town, 我做了一顿大餐 全镇的人都吃不完
      [00:59.85]and she says no. 她拒绝了
      [01:01.39]I would love to, but I do... I have to go. 我很愿意 但我... 我得走了
      [01:04.86]This is the problem of the americani. 这就是美国人的毛病
      [01:08.06]Always running.       Please, Mamma. 总是落跑      好了 妈妈
      [01:11.40]I have to meet my fiance 我得去找我未婚夫

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      给朱丽叶的信      
