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时间:2014-12-28 22:08来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:12.87]My dear Juliet... 亲爱的朱丽亚... [01:21.34]Dear Juliet, the man that I love is not my husband. 亲爱的朱丽叶 我爱的男人不是我丈夫 [01:45.63]Are you okay? 你还好吗? [03:47.72]Take this basket and... Come s
  •   [01:12.87]"My dear Juliet... " "亲爱的朱丽亚...
      [01:21.34]"Dear Juliet, the man that I love is not my husband. " "亲爱的朱丽叶 我爱的男人不是我丈夫"
      [01:45.63]Are you okay? 你还好吗?
      [03:47.72]Take this basket and... Come si dice? Dig in. 用这个篮子... 往下挖
      [03:52.59]Dig in? 挖?
      [03:53.89]You are the translator from the employment office? 你是职业介绍所的翻译?
      [03:56.86]No. No, I mean...       I have been waiting two weeks. 不 我是说...      我等了两周了
      [03:59.30]I’m sorry. My name is Sophie. I just... I followed you, 对不起 我叫索菲 我只是... 跟着你而已
      [04:03.27]and I saw that you put the letters into a basket, 我看到你把信装进了篮子
      [04:07.04]and I just wondered why. 我只是好奇你这么做的原因
      [04:10.08]Why? 原因?
      [04:14.15]You are a writer? 你是作家?
      [04:16.92]Yeah, I am. I am a writer. 是的 我是作家
      [04:24.99]Come. I show you. 过来 带你看看
      [04:32.03]They come from all over the world every day. 每天 世界各地的人蜂涌而来
      [04:34.67]But taking their letters? 但是带走她们的信
      [04:35.87]Is that not like taking pennies from a wishing well? 这跟从许愿池拿硬币有什么本质区别吗?
      [04:40.11]How else can we give them answers? 要不怎么能给她们答案?
      [04:44.34]Oh, my God. So, you write all of them back. 天哪 是你们给她们回信
      [04:47.75]Yes. 是的
      [04:50.08]You’re all Juliet?       Her secretaries. 你们都是朱丽叶?      她的秘书们
      [04:56.76]Donatella has been married 51 years to the same man. 多妮特拉已经结婚51年了
      [05:00.49]She handles husband problems. 她专管夫妻关系

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      给朱丽叶的信      
