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时间:2014-11-03 21:16来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:02.43]Okay, wait. No, we have an audience. Dont look. 等等,有人看着,别看 [01:07.53]No, I dont-- No. Stop it. Put me down. 不,我不-- 不,够了,放下我 [01:09.87]Put me down. Youre not coming in this house. 放下我 你
  •   [01:02.43]Okay, wait. No, we have an audience. Don’t look. 等等,有人看着,别看
      [01:07.53]No, I don’t-- No. Stop it. Put me down. 不,我不-- 不,够了,放下我
      [01:09.87]Put me down. You’re not coming in this house. 放下我 你不能进这屋子
      [01:12.34]You are not coming in this house. No. 你不能进这屋子,不行
      [01:15.87]-Bye. Good morning. -Good morning. -再见 早上好 -早上好
      [01:17.81]Go away. Go away. 走开,走开
      [01:26.85]How can you date a man like that? 你怎么会和那样的人约会?
      [01:32.92]What if you’re wrong about him? 如果你错怪他了呢?
      [01:35.96]What if I’m not? 如果我没有呢?
      [01:43.30]Coffee’s cold. 咖啡冷了
      [02:06.96]Row! 划!
      [02:08.63]Ride the plank! 做稳了!
      [02:10.19]Row! 划!
      [02:34.42]Are your ears burning? 你耳朵热吗?
      [02:37.52]I think the feet go first when they set the stake on fire. 火刑的时候,是脚先热
      [02:40.76]"What do you say, Edward? Should we have her back?" "你怎么认为, 爱德华? 我们该让她回来吗?"
      [02:43.69]"She’s got rather nice legs." "她的腿不错"
      [02:46.13]-Who’s to say I wanna come back? -What... -谁说我想回去? -什么...
      [02:48.37]...Ieave me here with all these girls? ...把我留在这里和这些女孩们一起?
      [03:01.21]You’d think someone would notice empty trays. 有人会注意到空盘子吗?
      [03:03.68]You are good. You remind me of myself when I was your age. 你不错,让我想起和你差不多年纪时候的我

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      蒙娜丽莎的微笑      
