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时间:2014-11-03 21:17来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:22.00]Cheers. 干杯 [03:24.13]Hes positively vomititious, Giselle. 他真恶心, 杰斯丽. [03:28.31]Dont be so sentimental, Connie. 别那么多愁善感了, 康妮. [03:32.11]It was a fling. Its fine. It was nothing. 只是一
  •   [03:22.00]Cheers. 干杯
      [03:24.13]He’s positively vomititious, Giselle. 他真恶心, 杰斯丽.
      [03:28.31]Don’t be so sentimental, Connie. 别那么多愁善感了, 康妮.
      [03:32.11]It was a fling. It’s fine. It was nothing. 只是一时的纵情欢乐罢了,没什么的
      [03:44.39]Hi! 嗨!
      [03:47.52]Pleasure to meet you. 幸会
      [03:55.20]Would you excuse me? I’ll be right back. 对不起,我一会儿就回来
      [03:58.60]Connie! Connie! Excuse me. Sorry. Connie! 康妮! 康妮! 对不起, 康妮!
      [04:02.01]Charlie. It’s been a while. 查理. 好久不见
      [04:05.08]Yeah. How are you? 是啊,你好吗?
      [04:08.18]I’m fine, thank you. You? Deb? 很好,谢谢,你呢? 黛比呢?
      [04:11.72]-Pardon? -Deb. Your girlfriend. -什么? -黛比. 你的女朋友
      [04:15.52]With the very large-- 那个牙齿--
      [04:17.52]With the very large teeth. 那个牙齿很大的那个
      [04:19.46]With the very large teeth.
      [04:21.93]-Oh, did you think I didn’t know? -Connie. -哦,你认为我不认识? -康妮.
      [04:26.06]Deb and I broke it off last summer. That’s Miranda. 黛比 和我去年夏天就分手了 你说的是 米兰达
      [04:30.20]We started seeing each other when you stopped returning my calls... 你不接我电话,不回我信之后...
      [04:36.01]...or answering any of my letters. ...我们开始约会的
      [04:44.68]Okay, maybe I should go. 哦,也许我该走了

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      蒙娜丽莎的微笑      
