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时间:2014-10-15 19:42来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:29.22]Goddamn it! 该死! [01:33.89]Its brilliant, really. A perfect ruse. 太棒了,真的,完美的策略 [01:36.53]A finishing school disguised as a college. They got me. 一个女子精修学校,却冒充大学,他们骗了我
  •   [01:29.22]Goddamn it! 该死!
      [01:33.89]It’s brilliant, really. A perfect ruse. 太棒了,真的,完美的策略
      [01:36.53]A finishing school disguised as a college. They got me. 一个女子精修学校,却冒充大学,他们骗了我
      [01:39.56]-What do you expect? -More. More. -你还指望什么? -更多的东西
      [01:41.67]I thought it was a place for tomorrow’s leaders, not their wives. 这是培养未来的领导者的地方, 而不是培养他们的妻子
      [01:45.50]-Calm down, please. -No, I will not! -请冷静 -不,我不冷静!
      [01:47.51]I’ve got 1 0 more minutes. Meet me in my office. Meet me! 10分钟后到我办公室见我!
      [02:16.03]-How you feeling? -Stupid. Deceived. -感觉怎样? -愚蠢,上当
      [02:21.61]Really, really angry. 非常,非常生气
      [02:26.01]Change takes time, you know? You gotta let them catch up with you. 改变需要时间,你必须 给他们时间跟上你的步伐
      [02:32.48]Katherine, this place needs you. 凯瑟琳, 这地方需要你
      [02:35.69]I don’t know how the hell they let you in, but I’m sure glad they did. 我不知道他们怎么让你进来的,我非常高兴
      [02:43.29]The things I said to President Carr. She’ll never let me back in. 我对卡尔校长说了那些话, 她再也不会让我回来了
      [02:48.30]She’s a pretty good egg. 她人很好
      [02:51.37]What things? 说了什么?
      [02:53.74]Don’t worry. 别担心
      [02:56.24]Time will heal it. 时间会抹平一切的
      [02:58.24]Unless, of course, you want to go back to California and that fiance of yours. 当然,除非你想回到加州你未婚夫那里去
      [03:03.68]We’re not engaged. Thanks. 我们还没订婚呢,谢谢
      [03:06.95]Sorry I interrupted your class. 抱歉打扰你上课
      [03:20.36]Katherine! 凯瑟琳!
      [03:26.27]I wanted to give you this. It was for Christmas, and.... 我想给你这个 原本是给你的圣诞节礼物,....
      [03:30.98]Then I met your man, so l.... 我碰到你的男友,所以....

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      蒙娜丽莎的微笑      
