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时间:2014-10-15 19:42来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:25.13]You win. 你们赢了 [04:27.80]The smartest women in the country. 这个国家最聪明的女性 [04:34.74]I didnt realize that by demanding excellence... 我以前没有认识到,为了追求卓越... [04:40.41]...I would be cha
  •   [04:25.13]You win. 你们赢了
      [04:27.80]The smartest women in the country. 这个国家最聪明的女性
      [04:34.74]I didn’t realize that by demanding excellence... 我以前没有认识到,为了追求卓越...
      [04:40.41]...I would be challenging.... ...我会去挑战....
      [04:45.58]What did it say? 怎么说来着的?
      [04:49.82]What did it say? 怎么说来着的?
      [04:53.89]"The roles you were born to fill." "生来注定担当的角色"
      [04:58.23]Is that right? 是吗?
      [00:03.83]The roles you were born to fill? 你生来注定担当的角色?
      [00:13.78]It’s my mistake. 是我的错
      [00:29.19]Class dismissed. 下课
      [00:43.77]These girls.... Are you proud, President Carr? 那些孩子.... 你为他们骄傲吗, 卡尔校长?
      [00:48.45]-Yes, actually, I am. -Well, you should be, I guess. -是的 -嗯,确实应该
      [00:52.65]Half of them are married. The other half, give it a month or so. 她们当中一半已经结婚了, 另一半,一两个月内也要结婚
      [00:56.25]It’s really only a matter of time. 只是时间问题
      [00:58.56]They’re biding time until somebody proposes! 她们在等待,等待有人求婚!
      [01:00.99]A hundred years ago, it was inconceivable for a woman... 100年前,女人读完大学...
      [01:04.03]...to be a college graduate. ...是件无法想象的事情
      [01:05.70]Perhaps you should look back to see how far we’ve come. 也许你该回头看看,我们走得多远
      [01:08.70]I’m sorry, from where I sit, it’s just a different kind of corset. 对不起,从我的位置来看这是另一种束缚
      [01:12.24]-Well, we can all use a little support. -Oh, like Amanda Armstrong? -我们都可以使用些帮助 -哦,比如 阿曼达 阿姆斯特朗?
      [01:16.47]-She broke the law! -According to Betty Warren. -她违法了! -那是 贝蒂 沃伦的说法
      [01:18.98]According to the state of Massachusetts. 是马萨诸赛州的法律
      [01:25.38]To hell with Wellesley. I’m done. 让韦尔斯利学院见鬼去吧 我不干了

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      蒙娜丽莎的微笑      
