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时间:2014-10-15 19:41来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:14.73]Her subversive and political teachings encourage our Wellesley girls... 她颠覆传统的教学内容鼓励着韦尔斯利学院的女孩... [02:18.54]... to reject the roles they were born to fill. ... 摒弃生来注定担当的角
  •   [02:14.73]Her subversive and political teachings encourage our Wellesley girls... 她颠覆传统的教学内容鼓励着韦尔斯利学院的女孩...
      [02:18.54]... to reject the roles they were born to fill. ... 摒弃生来注定担当的角色
      [02:39.09]Thank you. 谢谢
      [03:01.08]Slide. 开始
      [03:05.52]-Contemporary art. -That’s just an advertisement. -当代艺术 -那只是个广告
      [03:08.15]Quiet! 安静!
      [03:11.62]T oday you just listen. 今天你们只要听就行了
      [03:16.16]What will the future scholars see when they study us? 未来的学者在研究我们的时候, 看到这会想什么?
      [03:21.83]A portrait of women today? 今日女性之面貌?
      [03:28.34]There you are, ladies. 女士们,注意了
      [03:30.78]The perfect likeness of a Wellesley graduate. 一个韦尔斯利学院毕业生的真实写照
      [03:33.48]Magna cum laude, doing exactly what she was trained to do. 全优的成绩, 这正是别人教她做的
      [03:39.32]Slide. 下一张
      [03:42.29]A Rhodes scholar. 领罗氏奖学金的研究生
      [03:45.89]I wonder if she recites Chaucer while she presses her husband’s shirts. 我在想是否她在替丈夫 熨衣服的时候还在背诵乔叟的诗句
      [03:49.93]Slide. 下一张
      [03:53.10]Now, you physics majors can calculate the mass and volume... 你们这些学物理的可以来计算...
      [03:57.30]...of every meat loaf you make. Slide. ...你们所做的肉面包的质量和体积 下一张
      [04:01.11]A girdle to set you free. 给你们自由的束腹
      [04:03.71]What does that mean? 那是什么意思?
      [04:11.02]What does that mean? 那是什么意思?
      [04:14.49]What does it mean? 什么意思?
      [04:20.99]I give up. 我放弃

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      蒙娜丽莎的微笑      
