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时间:2014-10-15 19:40来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:52.22]-Wont you regret never marrying? -Theres still time. -你没结婚,不后悔吗? -还有时间 [00:55.62]I guess I assume that I will at some point. 我想我会随缘 [00:57.92]-Im not gonna plan my life around it. -Neither sho
  •   [00:52.22]-Won’t you regret never marrying? -There’s still time. -你没结婚,不后悔吗? -还有时间
      [00:55.62]I guess I assume that I will at some point. 我想我会随缘
      [00:57.92]-I’m not gonna plan my life around it. -Neither should we. -不会去刻意为此安排我的生活 -我们也不应该
      [01:01.16]-I didn’t say that. -You did to Joan. -我没那么说 -你对琼说了
      [01:03.16]-That’s what she told me. -What are you saying? -是她这么告诉我的 -你在说什么?
      [01:05.86]She knew you and Tommy were getting engaged. 她知道你和汤米 快要订婚了
      [01:08.27]And she practically filled out your application. 她却仍然帮助你填了法学院的入学申请
      [01:10.87]-I didn’t say that. -She’s been accepted. -我没那么说 -她已经被录取了
      [01:13.37]Now she just has to figure out a way to tell Tommy. 现在她只要想办法告诉汤米就行了
      [01:17.91]Why don’t you do it? You’re good at butting into people’s business. 你为什么不去?你很擅长管别人的闲事
      [01:21.45]Funny, that’s what they say about you. 真有趣,别人正是这么说你的
      [01:27.02]-Spencer, do I look all right? -Yeah, fine. -斯宾塞, 我这样行吗? -很好
      [01:31.26]-I don’t have a lot of time. Speed it up. -Mr. Grouchy. -我们时间不多,快点 -格罗切先生
      [01:34.86]-All right, here we go again. -All right, go ahead, Louise. -好了,准备拍了 -拍吧, 路易丝
      [01:39.43]Married Wellesley girls have become quite adept at balancing obligations. 结婚的韦尔斯利学院女孩在兼顾 学业和婚姻生活上游刃有余
      [01:44.30]One hears such comments as: 有人听到这样的话:
      [01:46.10]"I baste the chicken with one hand and outline the paper with the other. " "我一只手给烤鸡涂油,一只手写论文提纲”
      [01:50.84]While our mothers were called to work for Lady Liberty... 当我们的母亲们在为自由而工作的时候...
      [01:54.21]...it is our duty, nay, obligation to reclaim our place in the home... ...我们有责任,不,有义务 来重新担当起我们在家庭里...
      [01:59.38]...bearing the children that will carry our traditions into the future. ...生儿育女延续传统的角色
      [02:04.12]One must pause to consider why Miss Katherine Watson... 人们必须认真思考为什么 艺术史系的讲师...
      [02:08.16]...instructor in the Art History department... ...凯瑟琳 沃森小姐...
      [02:10.63]...has decided to declare war on the holy sacrament of marriage. ...决定对神圣的婚姻宣战

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      蒙娜丽莎的微笑      
