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时间:2014-10-15 19:40来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:30.13]People change. Things happen. Its the same with me and Leo. 事情变了,人也变了,我和里奥也一样 [04:34.81]He went off and married someone else. 他和别人结婚了 [04:37.78]-And I got to go to graduate school. -
  •   [04:30.13]People change. Things happen. It’s the same with me and Leo. 事情变了,人也变了,我和里奥也一样
      [04:34.81]He went off and married someone else. 他和别人结婚了
      [04:37.78]-And I got to go to graduate school. -UCLA, right? -而我继续读了研究生 -加州大学洛杉矶分校,是吗?
      [04:41.45]-Which is in Hollywood? -It’s close. -在好莱坞? -很近
      [04:44.82]Anyway, aren’t you gonna tell everybody about, you know... 你准备告诉大家...
      [04:50.72]-...your big news? -What are you talking about? -..你的好消息吗? -你说什么?
      [04:53.59]-She got engaged over Christmas! -Congratulations! -她圣诞节要订婚了! -祝贺你!
      [04:57.13]I’m sorry to blab. It’s just so romantic. 别怪我大嘴巴,太浪漫了
      [05:00.36]How fantastic! 太美妙了!
      [00:02.87]We split up. 我们分手了
      [00:07.04]-What? -We split up. -什么? -我们分手了
      [00:12.18]Well, that was fast. 真是太快了
      [00:13.98]Well, not every relationship is meant for marriage. 不是每次恋爱最后都以结婚告终的
      [00:17.48]-Some are strictly affairs? -Bill Dunbar. -有些仅仅只是恋爱? -比尔
      [00:20.89]He’d be an affair. Let’s talk about that, Miss Watson. 他在和你交往吗,说说吧,沃森小姐
      [00:24.29]You don’t believe in withholding, do you? 你不会有所保留吧?
      [00:26.49]No. I do, however, believe in manners. But for you, I’ll make an exception. 不,我确实懂得礼貌,但对你,我会例外
      [00:31.36]That’s what we’re supposed to do for married students. Right, Betty? 对已婚的学生,就该这样,是吗, 贝蒂?
      [00:35.80]Professor Dunbar and l are not having an affair. 邓巴没有和我在恋爱
      [00:40.20]Did you have one with William Holden? 那你和威廉 赫尔登呢?
      [00:42.21]-Connie! -She asked about Bill Dunbar. -康妮! -她已经都问了比尔 邓巴了
      [00:44.41]-How did you hear that? -Oh, it is true! -你怎么会知道的? -哦,是真的!
      [00:47.41]Betty, I told you. 贝蒂,我告诉过你的

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      蒙娜丽莎的微笑      
