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时间:2014-10-15 19:39来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:06.55]Thats poisonous. 那个(香烟)有害 [03:08.35]Im not married because... 我没结婚是因为... [03:12.52]...Im not. ...我还没结婚 [03:14.99]I was engaged to Patrick Watts. 我曾经和派屈克 瓦兹订婚 [03:19.76]
  •   [03:06.55]That’s poisonous. 那个(香烟)有害
      [03:08.35]I’m not married because... 我没结婚是因为...
      [03:12.52]...I’m not. ...我还没结婚
      [03:14.99]I was engaged to Patrick Watts. 我曾经和派屈克 瓦兹订婚
      [03:19.76]Everybody called him Leo, and I never knew why. 大家都叫他里奥, 我也不知道这称呼的由来
      [03:23.53]He was the first person that I ever danced with... 他是第一个和我跳舞...
      [03:28.67]...or smoked with, got incredibly drunk with and-- ...第一个和我一起抽烟, 一起烂醉如泥的人--
      [03:33.75]Well, a lot of first things. 总之,很多第一
      [03:38.55]We were 1 8 and getting married, Christmas of ’41. 41年我们18岁,圣诞节的时候,我们正准备结婚
      [03:43.52]Then Pearl Harbor happened and everything changed. 珍珠港事件爆发了,一起都改变了
      [03:47.63]Everybody changed. And by June, he was sent overseas. 所有人也都改变了,6月,他被派到了海外
      [03:52.00]-Did he come back? -Yes. -他后来回来了吗? -是的
      [03:54.00]-Was he changed? -They both were. -他变了吗? -他们都变了
      [04:00.07]I’m sorry. 抱歉
      [04:02.37]-Your parents? -Yeah. -你父母吗? -他们...
      [04:06.98]After the war... 战后...
      [04:09.61]...they didn’t know each other anymore, didn’t like each other. ...他们变得互相不了解,再也不喜欢彼此了
      [04:15.99]He left. He got a whole new family. 他离开了,重新建立了家庭
      [04:20.79]Divorce. 离婚
      [04:22.49]What? 什么?
      [04:23.73]Yeah. First on my block. That’s a city block. 是啊,在我那个街区是第一例 那可是一个大行政街区

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      蒙娜丽莎的微笑      
