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时间:2014-10-15 19:38来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:39.04]Thats my job. 那是我的工作 [01:22.48]Miss Watson! 沃森小姐! [01:25.28]Miss Watson! 沃森小姐! [01:29.82]Whats this? 这是什么? [01:31.16]Every year, the ARs nominate a member of the faculty to be our guest. 每年
  •   [00:39.04]That’s my job. 那是我的工作
      [01:22.48]Miss Watson! 沃森小姐!
      [01:25.28]Miss Watson! 沃森小姐!
      [01:29.82]What’s this? 这是什么?
      [01:31.16]Every year, the ARs nominate a member of the faculty to be our guest. 每年“AR”都要选派一些教师做你们的客人
      [01:35.36]The what? 什么?
      [01:36.90]You’ll see. Come by tonight at 5:00. 你会知道的,晚上5:00来
      [01:43.30]Adam’s Ribs. A very secret society. “亚当的肋骨”,一个秘密团体
      [01:47.17]Wait here. 在这儿等着
      [01:57.18]First, the oath. Please raise both hands. 首先,宣誓,举起双手
      [02:02.15]Do you swear not to repeat what you see, hear or smell tonight? 你发誓不会泄漏今晚看到,听到,闻到的吗?
      [02:05.49]-Smell? -Keep your hands up! -闻到? -手别放下来!
      [02:07.16]Yes, smell. 是的,闻到的
      [02:09.53]I do. 我发誓
      [02:28.98]It’ll only burn for a second. 只会难受一秒钟
      [02:31.48]Go on. 继续
      [02:43.29]And now that you’ve taken the oath, we get to ask you whatever we want. 你已经发过誓了,我们就可以随便问了
      [02:49.20]-Oh, is that how it works? -And you have to answer. -是这样的吗? -你必须回答
      [02:53.97]Who invited her? 谁邀请你的?
      [02:55.27]You’re in time for truth or consequences. 你来得正好,现在是说实话还是接受惩罚游戏
      [02:57.64]I go first. Why aren’t you married? 我先问,你为什么没结婚?
      [03:03.18]Well.... 嗯....

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      蒙娜丽莎的微笑      
