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时间:2014-10-15 19:37来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:03.61]Van Gogh by numbers? 按照步骤成为梵高? [04:05.74]Ironic, isnt it? Look at what we have done to the man... 很有讽刺意味,是吗? 看看我们都对他做了什么... [04:09.54]...who refused to conform his ideals t
  •   [04:03.61]Van Gogh by numbers? 按照步骤成为梵高?
      [04:05.74]Ironic, isn’t it? Look at what we have done to the man... 很有讽刺意味,是吗? 看看我们都对他做了什么...
      [04:09.54]...who refused to conform his ideals to popular taste. ...他拒绝为了大众品位改变他的理想
      [04:13.35]Who refused to compromise his integrity. 为了保持人格完整,拒绝妥协
      [04:16.58]We have put him in a tiny box and asked you to copy him. 我们把他放在小盒子里面,复制他
      [04:22.76]So the choice is yours, ladies. 所以,选择权在你们自己
      [04:24.63]You can conform to what other people expect or you can-- 你们可以按照别人的期望去做,也可以--
      [04:29.23]I know. Be ourselves. 我知道,做你们自己
      [04:33.17]You’re a sight for sore eyes. 你真让我们望眼欲穿
      [04:35.24]I would’ve been on time but, silly me, I thought class was in the classroom. 我本可以不迟到的,我真笨 还以为课在教室里上呢
      [04:39.71]Glad you could join us, Mrs. Jones. We thought we’d lost you. 很高兴你能加入我们,琼斯夫人 我还以为你不会来了
      [04:43.75]-There’s an unwritten rule for marr-- -Don’t bother. -有个不成文的规定-- -别麻烦了
      [04:46.51]Since your wedding, you’ve missed six classes, a paper and your midterm. 你结婚以后,已经缺了6节课 一次论文写作,和一次期中测验
      [04:50.69]Well, thank God I didn’t miss the paint-by-numbers lecture. 感谢上帝,我赶上了这堂分解作画的课
      [04:54.46]I was on my honeymoon and then I had to set up house. 我刚渡完蜜月,还得收拾屋子
      [04:58.16]What does she expect? 她还能指望什么?
      [04:58.50]Attendance. 指望你来上课
      [00:01.97]Most of the faculty turn their heads... 已婚的学生哪怕是缺席一两堂课...
      [00:04.14]...when the married students miss a class or two. ...大多数老师都会大摇其头
      [00:07.21]Then why not get married as freshmen? 你为什么不一年级就结婚?
      [00:09.37]That way you could graduate without actually ever stepping foot on campus. 那样的话你可以不用到学校来上课就能毕业
      [00:15.75]Don’t disregard our traditions just because you’re subversive. 不要因为你是个颠覆分子, 就可以无视我们的传统
      [00:21.52]Don’t disrespect this class just because you’re married. 不要因为你结婚了,就不尊重这堂课
      [00:24.49]Don’t disrespect me just because you’re not. 不要因为你没结婚,就不尊重我
      [00:27.09]Come to class, do the work, or I’ll fail you. 按时上课,做作业,要不然给你不及格
      [00:30.46]If you fail me, there will be consequences. 如果你让我不及格,后果自负
      [00:34.87]-Are you threatening me? -I’m educating you. -你在威胁我? -我在教导你

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      蒙娜丽莎的微笑      
