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时间:2014-10-15 19:36来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:02.98]Ill be back... 我会... [02:05.02]...on the 2nd. ...在2号回来的. [02:07.82]See you next year. 明年见 [02:09.86]1 954! 1954! [02:46.96]Sunflowers. Vincent van Gogh. 1 888. 《向日葵》文森特 梵高 1888年 [02:50.10]
  •   [02:02.98]I’ll be back... 我会...
      [02:05.02]...on the 2nd. ...在2号回来的.
      [02:07.82]See you next year. 明年见
      [02:09.86]1 954! 1954!
      [02:46.96]Sunflowers. Vincent van Gogh. 1 888. 《向日葵》文森特 梵高 1888年
      [02:50.10]He painted what he felt, not what he saw. 他画他感觉到的,而不是他看到的
      [02:53.74]People didn’t understand. To them, it seemed childlike and crude. 人们不理解他,在他们眼中 这画既幼稚又粗糙
      [02:57.31]It took years for them to recognize his actual technique... 人们花了很多年才认识到他的正在技术...
      [03:00.71]...to see the way his brush strokes seemed to make the night sky move. ...才看出他的画笔如何使夜空舞动
      [03:04.75]Yet, he never sold a painting in his lifetime. 终其一生,他一幅画也没卖掉
      [03:08.65]This is his self-portrait. 这是他的自画像
      [03:10.82]There’s no camouflage, no romance. Honesty. 没有渲染,没有伪装,纯粹的真实
      [03:15.26]-Now, 60 years later, where is he? -Famous? -60年过去了,他怎么样了? -出名了?
      [03:20.80]So famous, in fact, that everybody has a reproduction. 实际上非常出名,每个人都有他的画的复制品
      [03:24.87]-There are post cards-- -We have the calendar. -明信片上有-- -日历上也有
      [03:28.07]With the ability to reproduce art, it is available to the masses. 随着复制技术的发达,普通大众也可以拥有
      [03:32.74]No one needs to own a van Gogh original. 没有必要拥有梵高的原作
      [03:35.21]We do. In the Newport house. 我们需要,在新港屋子里
      [03:38.95]But it’s small. Tiny. 只要一幅小的,很小
      [03:45.52]They can paint their own. Van Gogh in a box, ladies. 女士们,你们自己也可以画,盒子里的梵高
      [03:48.96]The newest form of mass-distributed art: 大众传播的新形式:
      [03:52.19]Paint by numbers. 分解绘画
      [03:53.96]"Now everyone can be van Gogh. It’s so easy. "现在每个人都可以成为梵高,很容易
      [03:57.17]Just follow the simple instructions... 只要按照说明...
      [03:59.60]...and in minutes, you’re on your way to being an artist." ...只要几分钟,你就可以成为一个艺术家"

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      蒙娜丽莎的微笑      
