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时间:2014-10-15 19:35来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:02.73]What are you doing? 你在干什么? [00:07.14]Youre not kidding? 你不是开玩笑吧? [00:09.30]I just came 3000 miles to see you. Im sleeping down here by myself? 我跑了3000英里来看你. 你就让我一个人睡? [00:18.
  •   [00:02.73]What are you doing? 你在干什么?
      [00:07.14]You’re not kidding? 你不是开玩笑吧?
      [00:09.30]I just came 3000 miles to see you. I’m sleeping down here by myself? 我跑了3000英里来看你. 你就让我一个人睡?
      [00:18.61]Stop. Stop. Stop for a second. 停. 停. 停一下.
      [00:21.32]-Tell me what the hell’s going on. -I don’t know. -告诉我他妈的究竟要干什么. -我不知道.
      [00:25.19]I feel like everything is getting away from me. 感觉上就好像一切都将弃我而去.
      [00:27.76]We haven’t actually, literally looked at each other for three months... 三个月了,我们没有真正的、 全心全意地望着对方了...
      [00:33.03]...and now you’re here, and I have this ring on my finger. ...现在你来了, 而且我戴上了你的戒指
      [00:36.73]Which makes you uncomfortable too? 这也让你不舒服了吗?
      [00:40.30]The last time I checked, we weren’t on this track. 上次我们在一起的时候, 我们还没到这一步.
      [00:45.14]When was the last time you checked? 上一次是什么时候?
      [01:08.20]Bill.... 比尔....
      [01:11.03]The name is Paul. 我的名字是保罗.
      [01:19.44]I’m not saying no to you. 我并不是对你说不.
      [01:22.91]No, you’re not saying anything. 不,你什么都没说.
      [01:26.82]You never really do. 你根本就没那么做.
      [01:48.77]If you need me for anything else, my number’s on the refrigerator. 如果你需要我做什么,就给我打电话, 号码贴在冰箱上.
      [01:53.54]I feel so guilty leaving you alone after-- 我很内疚让你一个人留下, 而且是在这个时候--
      [01:56.38]I’m fine. I have lots of research to do. 我很好. 我有一大堆研究要做呢.
      [01:59.08]That’s right. Throw yourself into work. 那就好. 把自己投入工作中.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      蒙娜丽莎的微笑      
