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时间:2014-10-03 21:34来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:26.65]I had a really nice time. Thank you. 跟你在一起真的很开心. 谢谢. [01:31.15]Connie. 康尼. [01:33.46]-ls this the brushoff? -No. -不理我了? -不是. [01:36.46]I thought you were, you know... 我以为你已经,
  •      [01:26.65]I had a really nice time. Thank you. 跟你在一起真的很开心. 谢谢.
      [01:31.15]Connie. 康尼.
      [01:33.46]-ls this the brushoff? -No. -不理我了? -不是.
      [01:36.46]I thought you were, you know... 我以为你已经, 你也明白...
      [01:38.99]...done with me. ...请和我跳舞.
      [01:42.40]-Why would you think that? -Betty said that you-- -你为何那样想? -贝蒂说你--
      [01:47.00]I don’t wanna take advantage. I know that this was some favor. 我不想利用这个. 我明白这只不过是帮个忙而已.
      [01:52.58]She did me the favor, not you. 她对我来说是帮个忙,而你不是.
      [01:56.78]Come on, dance with me. 来吧,和我跳舞.
      [02:29.01]She’s too good for you. 你配不上她.
      [02:32.92]Maybe you’re right. 也许你是对的.
      [02:36.22]I’m too good for you too. 你也配不上我.
      [02:40.02]-But I have lower expectations. -I thought we settled this last spring. -但是我降低了要求. -我们春天就在一起了.
      [02:45.46]So then we probably shouldn’t have slept together over the summer. 所以说也许我们不该整个夏天都呆在一起.
      [02:50.17]Stop. 别.
      [02:55.14]You ready? 你好了吗?
      [02:57.07]Do you wanna know something funny? 你想听点儿有趣的吗?
      [03:00.18]Lenny’s not dead. 兰尼没有死.
      [03:03.21]Not technically. 从学术角度来讲.
      [03:06.05]He.... 他....

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      蒙娜丽莎的微笑      
