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时间:2014-10-03 21:34来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:07.52]Hes got married. 他结婚了. [03:09.18]Hes got a wife and kids... 他有一位妻子一帮孩子... [03:12.99]...and a mortgage. ...和抵押贷款. [03:14.69]It was all supposed to be mine, except for the wife. 这些原本都是
  •   [03:07.52]He’s got married. 他结婚了.
      [03:09.18]He’s got a wife and kids... 他有一位妻子一帮孩子...
      [03:12.99]...and a mortgage. ...和抵押贷款.
      [03:14.69]It was all supposed to be mine, except for the wife. 这些原本都是我的, 除了他的老婆.
      [03:20.36]And you.... You don’t look a thing like him. 而你.... 你一点儿都不象他.
      [03:24.43]-You ugly bartender. -Stop it. -你这丑陋的招待 -别说了.
      [03:26.40]-You couldn’t shine his shoes. -I’m sorry. -你给他擦鞋都不配. -对不起.
      [03:30.37]It wasn’t supposed to turn out like this. 本不该这样的.
      [03:33.24]It wasn’t supposed to turn out like this. 本不该这样的.
      [03:37.58]-Which way? -Let me just see here. -走哪条路? -让我看看.
      [03:40.75]I’m not sure. 不能肯定.
      [03:43.25]-Where are we supposed to go? -I think it’s here. -我们要去哪儿? -我想应该是这儿.
      [03:46.69]Come this way. We’re almost there. 走这条路. 快到了.
      [04:02.94]Joe. 乔.
      [04:04.87]-Hello. -Hi. How are you? -你好. -嗨. 你好吗?
      [04:07.44]Great. Thank you so much for this. You’re a pal. 很好. 谢谢你让我们来. 你真是好人.
      [04:10.01]It’s a pleasure. Your timing is perfect. 这是我的荣幸. 你安排的非常好.
      [04:14.42]There it is. 就是这个.
      [04:49.15]-That’s Jackson Pollock. -ln a word. -这是杰克逊 波洛克. -总之.
      [04:52.55]I was getting used to the idea of dead, maggoty meat being art, now this. 我已经习惯了这些无聊的主题, 先说长蛆的烂肉是艺术, 现在轮到这个.
      [04:57.96]Please don’t tell me we have to write a paper about it. 请别告诉我们又要为这个写点什么.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      蒙娜丽莎的微笑      
