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时间:2014-10-03 21:32来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:07.35]Yale. 耶鲁. [03:09.65]Yale. 耶鲁. [03:11.02]They keep five slots open for women, one unofficially for a Wellesley girl. 他们给女性留了五个名额,其中之一已然 非正式的声明是留给韦尔斯利学院的女
  •      [03:07.35]Yale. 耶鲁.
      [03:09.65]Yale. 耶鲁.
      [03:11.02]They keep five slots open for women, one unofficially for a Wellesley girl. 他们给女性留了五个名额,其中之一已然 非正式的声明是留给韦尔斯利学院的女生.
      [03:16.09]But you haven’t really thought about it. 但是你并没有认真考虑过.
      [03:36.51]Wake up, Joanie, wake up. Wake up. 醒醒,琼,醒醒. 醒醒.
      [03:41.85]Okay, don’t get up. 好的,别起身.
      [03:43.35]Don’t hear what I have to say about Tommy and Spencer... 还记得我和你提过的 汤米和斯宾赛在一起吗...
      [03:46.42]...Iooking at an engagement ring... ...汤米瞧见订婚戒指了...
      [03:49.86]...for you. ...斯宾赛为你准备的.
      [03:53.03]You’re sure? 你肯定?
      [03:54.70]That’s everything we always wanted, huh? 这不就是我们想要得吗,哈?
      [03:57.10]We’ll be best friends, and our husbands will be best friends... 我们会成为最亲密的朋友, 我们的丈夫也将是最好的朋友...
      [04:00.74]...and we’ll have houses together and we’ll have babies together... ...我们还会成为邻居, 我们的宝宝们将一起玩耍...
      [04:04.27]...and they’ll be best friends. ...他们也会是最好的朋友.
      [04:06.54]You’re going to be Mrs. Tommy Donegal. 你将成为汤姆 唐戈夫人.
      [04:09.95]When? 何时?
      [04:11.21]I’ll get the scoop tomorrow. You go back to sleep. 我明天会深入调查的. 你继续睡吧.
      [04:16.52]The first part of the exam will consist of two pairs of slides. 测验的第一部分包括两页双面的试卷.
      [04:20.66]Please identify each of the slides by name, period and date. 请在每一面上写出 绘画者,时代和日期.
      [04:24.93]Then compare and contrast them. 然后进行比较和对比.
      [04:27.06]You will have 1 0 minutes for each pair. 每一组有10分钟
      [04:29.60]Then you will write a 1 500-word essay... 接下来写一篇1500字的评论...
      [04:32.14]...describing the stylistic differences between Raphael and van Eyck. ...描述一下拉菲尔和范爱克, 在绘画风格上的不同处.
      [04:37.04]Eyes forward, Miss Delacorte. 朝前看,德拉考蒂小姐.
      [04:40.08]You have 40 minutes. 你们有四十分钟.
      [04:42.38]Good luck. 祝好运
      [05:00.73]-Excuse me. -Governor. Another shot, please. -请让一下. -州长. 另一位大人,这边请.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      蒙娜丽莎的微笑      
