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时间:2014-10-03 21:32来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:05.80]This way, please. Thank you. 请走这边. 谢谢. [00:27.62]Excuse me. 借过. [00:35.60]This is quite the event. 这可算是名门盛事了. [00:38.17]-Im surprised I was invited. -Well, look around you. -能被邀请我感到
  •   [00:05.80]This way, please. Thank you. 请走这边. 谢谢.
      [00:27.62]Excuse me. 借过.
      [00:35.60]This is quite the event. 这可算是名门盛事了.
      [00:38.17]-I’m surprised I was invited. -Well, look around you. -能被邀请我感到很惊喜. -哦,看看周围.
      [00:42.27]Who wasn’t? 他们没请谁?
      [00:48.58]You ever hear the expression "Keeping up with the Joneses"? 你可曾听过 "别落在琼斯家后面"?
      [00:51.75]Of course. 当然.
      [00:53.15]Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jones. 那就是戈登 琼斯先生和夫人.
      [00:55.08]The actual, historical family they invented the phrase about. 实际上,成语便出自于 像这样历史悠久的家庭.
      [01:01.76]Good to know. 真有趣.
      [01:26.25]That’s him! 就是他!
      [02:11.16]-Thank you. -Good to see you. -谢谢. -荣幸见到您.
      [02:15.43]-Thank you very much. -A beautiful dress. -非常感谢您. -礼服美极了.
      [02:18.33]Hi, we’re so glad you came. 嗨, 你的光临让我们太高兴了.
      [02:20.87]-We’re together. Table 1 9. -Good. -我们在一起. 第19桌. -好极了.
      [02:25.31]Holy God! 天哪!
      [02:27.44]The governor is right behind you. Don’t turn around. 州长就在你的有后方. 别回头。
      [02:34.32]Great band. 乐队真棒.
      [02:38.95]-Violet. -Yes? -维奥莱特. -恩?
      [02:40.66]-Would you mind if I go here? -Not at all. -介意我坐这儿吗? -一点也不.
      [02:42.99]Over here. Thank you. 你坐这儿. 谢谢.
      [02:47.40]-Great band. -Great band. -乐队真棒. -的确不错.
      [02:51.07]-Hi, Katherine. -Hi, Professor Dunbar. -嗨, 凯瑟琳. -嗨,邓巴教授.
      [02:56.87]I’m getting a Manhattan. Like anything? 我去喝杯鸡尾酒. 你要点什么吗?
      [02:58.97]No, thank you. 不用了,谢谢.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      蒙娜丽莎的微笑      
