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时间:2014-10-03 21:28来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:04.53]They think youre dangerous? 他们认为你危险? [00:06.54]Oh, no, darling. No. Subversive. 噢不,亲爱的. 岂止危险. 我成了破坏分子. [00:12.88]Its gotten to the point... 而关键的是... [00:14.44]...where
  •   [00:04.53]They think you’re dangerous? 他们认为你危险?
      [00:06.54]Oh, no, darling. No. Subversive. 噢不,亲爱的. 岂止危险. 我成了破坏分子.
      [00:12.88]It’s gotten to the point... 而关键的是...
      [00:14.44]...where you don’t know who is protecting whom from what. ...你根本无从知晓是什么人 在维护,维护谁,防范什么.
      [00:18.51]Or should that be "from whom"? Well, whom gives a damn anyway? 或者应该问 "在防范谁"? 哼,谁他妈的知道?
      [00:25.52]They’re doing me a favor really. 他们真是帮了我的忙啊.
      [00:30.53]Will you be all right? 你还好吗?
      [00:35.80]Better than that. 比那时候好多了
      [00:41.91]I should really have left when Josephine died. 约瑟芬过世的时候我就该离开了.
      [00:49.61]Nothing left to love here anymore. So.... 这儿没什么可留恋的了.....
      [01:07.43]Hello? 有人吗?
      [01:10.60]-Miss Watson? -Yes. I’m back here. -沃森小姐? -我在这后面.
      [01:15.10]I’ve never been to this part of campus before. Where are we? 我从未来过校园的这个区. 这是哪里?
      [01:20.48]No man’s land. So to speak. 可以说是 “女儿国”.
      [01:27.52]Come on in. 过来吧.
      [01:30.05]What’s all this? 这都是些什么?
      [01:32.39]Different things different days. 不同时期的不同作品.
      [01:34.72]People who inspire me, artists I admire, editorials I don’t. 感动我的人,我推崇的艺术家 我不喜欢的评论.
      [01:41.40]So you came to see me. 而你来见我是为了……

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      蒙娜丽莎的微笑      
