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时间:2014-10-03 21:28来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:19.60]...but the grade that matters the most is the one he gives you, not me. ...但是真正至关重要的分数是 由他给你打的,而不是我. [03:25.40]-Youll need to-- -Whatever you do... -你们应该-- -不管你做什么
  •      [03:19.60]...but the grade that matters the most is the one he gives you, not me. ...但是真正至关重要的分数是 由他给你打的,而不是我.
      [03:25.40]-You’ll need to-- -Whatever you do... -你们应该-- -不管你做什么...
      [03:28.67]...don’t put the boss’s wife next to your husband. ...都别让上司的老婆靠近你的丈夫.
      [03:31.27]-Why not? -She’s screwing him. -为什么不? -她会抢走他的.
      [03:36.31]Is that where you learned to speak ltalian? In ltaly? 你在哪里学的意大利文? 意大利么?
      [03:39.92]Yeah. 是的.
      [03:44.12]-Have you got a boyfriend? -Yes. -你有男友了? -是的.
      [03:49.59]You know, if you were mine, I’d never let you go. 如果你是我的女友, 我可不会让你离开.
      [03:52.20]I wouldn’t have asked your permission. 我毋需征求你的同意.
      [03:56.63]Yeah, they say you’re progressive. 他们说你很激进.
      [03:59.30]A forward thinker. 前卫的思想家.
      [04:02.01]-Are you? -There are a lot of labels here... -你是吗? -这个地方很喜欢加标签么...
      [04:05.18]...I’ve noticed. ...我注意到了.
      [04:06.81]Right family, right school, right art, right way of thinking. 优秀家庭, 优秀学校, 好的艺术, 正确的思维方式.
      [04:13.12]Well, saves the effort on thinking for yourself. 好了,为了你自己好, 别耗费力气去思考了吧.
      [04:16.82]How do you expect to ever make a difference if everything is a joke? 如果所有的都是玩笑,你怎能 还期待自己会有所作为?
      [04:21.22]Oh, Katherine Watson comes to Wellesley to set us all free? Come on. 噢, 凯瑟琳 沃森跑到 韦尔斯利学院来解放我们了?
      [04:27.60]-Thank you for the drink. -No, no. Wait. I was teasing. -谢谢你请我喝酒. -别,等一下. 我是开玩笑的.
      [04:32.67]They have their own way of doing things here. 在这里他们有自己的行事方式.
      [04:35.41]You’ve just gotta find a way to work with them. We all had to. 你就应该找出办法来与他们共事. 我们必须如此.
      [04:51.29]I’m sorry. 我感到很难过.
      [04:55.23]Five years ago, they’d have slapped my wrist. 五年前,他们就该申斥我的.
      [04:58.56]But now there’s a committee for the protection of everything. 但是现在冒出来个维护一切委员会.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      蒙娜丽莎的微笑      
