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时间:2014-10-03 21:27来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:39.03]How long do the marriage lectures take? 婚礼课程要持续多长时间? [01:41.60]Get this woman a booth. 给这位女士来个单间吧 [01:58.45]Your husband is at a crossroads in his career. 试想你的丈夫正处于事业的
  •      [01:39.03]How long do the marriage lectures take? 婚礼课程要持续多长时间?
      [01:41.60]Get this woman a booth. 给这位女士来个单间吧
      [01:58.45]Your husband is at a crossroads in his career. 试想你的丈夫正处于事业的关键时刻.
      [02:02.55]He’s competing for promotion against two rivals, Smith and Jones. 他正在为了升迁而和另两个同事竞争, 史密斯和琼斯.
      [02:09.93]To get the edge, you have wisely decided to invite the boss... 为了胜过他们, 你十分明智的 邀请他的上司...
      [02:14.73]...and his wife to a 7:00 dinner. ...携夫人七点钟来进晚餐.
      [02:17.93]You’ve carefully planned your meal... 你小心翼翼的准备好食物...
      [02:20.84]...set your table and arranged for a babysitter. ...摆好餐桌,安排好保姆.
      [02:24.31]-Oh, we have babies! -Yes, and I have twins! -哦,我们还有宝宝呐! -可不,我有一对双胞胎!
      [02:29.31]Then, surprise. It’s 6:1 5... 结果,令人惊讶的是. 6:15的时候...
      [02:32.25]...and your husband’s called to say that Smith, Jones and their wives... ...你的丈夫致电通知你, 由于他的上司的要求...
      [02:36.95]...have been invited at the boss’s request. ...史密斯和琼斯亦将携夫人出席晚餐.
      [02:44.29]Ever the Wellesley girl... 韦尔斯利学院的姑娘们...
      [02:46.03]...you keep your cool and understand... ...你们要保持冷静并且想到...
      [02:48.73]...that the boss is probably testing you as much as your husband. What next? ...也许他的上司正通过测试你来 考验你的丈夫. 接下来该怎么办?
      [02:53.37]-Yes? -File for divorce? -你说? -申请离婚?
      [02:58.84]That’s very funny. 非常有趣.
      [03:01.44]But the thing is, it’s not a joke. 但问题是, 这可不是玩笑.
      [03:05.01]A few years from now your sole responsibility... 几年后你们唯一的职责便是...
      [03:07.75]...will be taking care of your husband and children. ...照顾你们的丈夫和孩子.
      [03:14.26]You may all be here... 可能在这里你们...
      [03:17.36]...for an easy A... ...只是为了取得A...

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      蒙娜丽莎的微笑      
