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时间:2014-10-03 21:27来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:02.73]...or what did Mrs. Warren call it? Liberal. ...或者就如沃伦小姐 所言? 慷慨的. [00:06.94]Scouts honor. 我发誓. [00:10.24]I spent the better part of Friday afternoon convincing the alumnae... 我用了周五下午大部
  •   [00:02.73]...or what did Mrs. Warren call it? "Liberal." ...或者就如沃伦小姐 所言?  "慷慨的."
      [00:06.94]Scout’s honor. 我发誓.
      [00:10.24]I spent the better part of Friday afternoon convincing the alumnae... 我用了周五下午大部分光阴 来说服校董会...
      [00:13.84]...that your record was impeccable... ...你的记录是清白的...
      [00:15.91]...that you would no longer provide contraceptive devices... ...你不会再提供避孕套...
      [00:20.32]...and you’d make a public statement to that effect. ...并会对此后果发表公开声明.
      [00:23.15]I’m not willing to make a public statement. 我不要做公开声明.
      [00:25.46]It doesn’t matter, Amanda. 没关系的, 阿曼达.
      [00:30.26]They’re letting you go. 他们要你离开.
      [00:35.60]It’s out of my hands. 我无能为力了.
      [00:41.10]And this champagne cup is in the wrong place. 香槟酒杯放错地方了.
      [00:43.57]And up and down. And up and-- 起立,坐下. 起立--
      [00:47.41]Katherine. Good evening, Miss Watson. 凯瑟琳. 晚上好, 沃森小姐.
      [00:50.11]-Good evening, Miss Watson. -Join us. -晚上好,沃森小姐. -和我们一起吧.
      [00:56.39]No. 哦,不了.
      [00:57.89]-Good night, Miss Watson. -Good night, Miss Watson. -晚安, 沃森小姐. -晚安, 沃森小姐.
      [01:00.59]And down. Very nice. Very nice. 坐下. 很好. 非常好.
      [01:18.81]Hey. 嗨.
      [01:22.08]Heard about Amanda. I’m sorry. 听说阿曼达的事了.  我真难过.
      [01:25.65]She seemed all right about it. I wouldn’t be. 她却好像无所谓似的. 我可做不到.
      [01:28.89]They don’t give you too many chances around here. 他们不会给你什么机会的.
      [01:31.49]Oh, that depends how much they hate you to begin with. 哦,那首先取决于他们有多恨你.
      [01:36.36]Can I buy you a drink? Or are you here for dinner? 我能请你喝一杯吗? 或者你是来进晚餐的?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      蒙娜丽莎的微笑      
