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时间:2014-09-24 21:05来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:49.23]Oh, theyre not going to dump her in a lake! 啊,她们该不会把她抛到湖里吧! [02:54.74]-Im coming, Phyllis! -Have you seen this? -我来救你了, 菲丽丝! -你读过了? [02:57.11]I wouldnt worry. Bettys just a
  •   [02:49.23]Oh, they’re not going to dump her in a lake! 啊,她们该不会把她抛到湖里吧!
      [02:54.74]-I’m coming, Phyllis! -Have you seen this? -我来救你了, 菲丽丝! -你读过了?
      [02:57.11]I wouldn’t worry. Betty’s just a young girl flexing her muscles. 我并不担心. 贝蒂只不过是个 闲不住的小女孩而已.
      [03:00.48]So was Lizzie Borden, and her mother wasn’t president... 莉兹 伯登以前也这样...
      [03:03.45]-...of the alumnae association. -Would somebody get that girl a towel! -她的母亲又不是校董会的主席么. -给这姑娘拿条毛巾来!
      [03:07.38]-That’s her mother? -Apple, tree. -那是她母亲? -就像苹果和树.
      [03:10.65]Is Amanda going to get into trouble? 阿曼达会遇到麻烦吗?
      [03:12.99]Amanda needs to start minding her p’s and q’s. 阿曼达需要开始注意礼貌了.
      [03:16.03]The trick to surviving Wellesley is never getting noticed. 在韦尔斯利学院生存的技巧就是别被人注意到.
      [03:19.13]Ciao, Mona Lisa. 再会,蒙娜丽莎.
      [03:21.90]The big war hero. 战争英雄.
      [03:24.47]He thinks he’s something special. 以为自己有多了不起.
      [03:28.14]He sleeps with his students. 他和学生睡觉.
      [03:33.18]The gold is fine. The napkin rings are vulgar. 金器还不错. 餐巾圈太简陋.
      [03:35.71]The glassware should be trimmed with gold. 玻璃器皿需由黄金装饰.
      [03:38.18]The little sugar boxes, gold and white, filled with chocolate. No candlesticks. 金色和白色的小糖匣, 盛放巧克力. 不要用烛台.
      [03:42.82]-Freesia instead of daisies. -Wise choice, madam. -用小苍兰而不是雏菊. -明智的选择,夫人.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      蒙娜丽莎的微笑      
