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时间:2014-09-24 21:04来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:56.49]-Maybe Ill get one. -What? A dick? -或许我也该弄一个. -什么? 阴茎么? [00:59.66]Dont be stupid, Connie. 别蠢了, 康尼. [01:04.76]Someone, somewhere, someday might be interested. 会有这么一个人, 在某
  •   [00:56.49]-Maybe I’ll get one. -What? A dick? -或许我也该弄一个. -什么? 阴茎么?
      [00:59.66]Don’t be stupid, Connie. 别蠢了, 康尼.
      [01:04.76]Someone, somewhere, someday might be interested. 会有这么一个人, 在某处, 某个时刻,说不定会有兴趣……
      [01:09.03]Just in case. Just in case, I’ll be prepared. 以防万一. 我会准备着以防万一的.
      [01:16.54]Was that necessary? 你非这样说不可么?
      [01:18.71]I was taught it’s best to speak honestly. 我认为如实说出来为妙.
      [01:21.14]Okay. You’re a bitch. 很好. 你这个混蛋.
      [01:31.05]We recently learned that Amanda Armstrong... 我们最近获知阿曼达 阿姆斯特朗...
      [01:33.89]...our nurse, has been distributing contraception to Wellesley girls. ...学校的护士, 在韦尔斯利学院 的女生们中间分发避孕套.
      [01:39.03]This revelation is disturbing to an institution... 一个向来以行为规范为荣的机构...
      [01:41.97]... that prides itself on propriety. ...对此感到十分震怒.
      [01:55.48]Go, go, go! Go, go! It’s been going on since the late ’80s. 快, 快, 快! 快跑, 快! 这项活动从上个世纪80年代后期就有了
      [02:00.82]-Whoever wins is first to marry! -Do the girls take it literally? -获胜的会第一个嫁出去! -这些女孩是当真的?
      [02:04.72]Only the girl with the winning hoop. Oh, look, it’s Phyllis Nayor! 只有获胜的女孩才信. 嗨, 瞧, 是菲丽丝 诺尔!
      [02:12.03]Good for her. It gets me every time. 她棒极了. 每次我都很激动.
      [02:16.80]-Why the buggies? -They’ve got their man. -为何如此疯狂? -她们找到了如意郎君.
      [02:19.57]They’re wishing for their babies. 她们在憧憬未来的宝宝.
      [02:26.08]Have you seen this? 你读过了么?
      [02:29.35]What is it? 是什么?
      [02:31.55]It’s a front-page attack on Amanda Armstrong. Betty Warren wrote it. 头版抨击了阿曼达 阿姆斯特朗. 是贝蒂 沃伦写的.
      [02:42.86]"By providing contraception on demand, our school nurse... "通过向学生提供避孕套, 我们学校的护士...
      [02:46.00]...is little more than a cheerleader for promiscuity." Wow. ...就好像是为性交喝彩的啦啦队长."  哇.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      蒙娜丽莎的微笑      
