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时间:2014-09-24 21:03来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:51.24]-Oh, honey. -Dont have it. -哦, 宝贝儿. -别嫁了. [02:53.34]-Dont come. -Here. Here. -算了吧. -这儿. 这儿. [02:55.14]Im working on table seating now, so I can just erase your name. 我现在就坐在桌前, 把你
  •   [02:51.24]-Oh, honey. -Don’t have it. -哦, 宝贝儿. -别嫁了.
      [02:53.34]-Don’t come. -Here. Here. -算了吧. -这儿. 这儿.
      [02:55.14]I’m working on table seating now, so I can just erase your name. 我现在就坐在桌前, 把你的姓名从名单上涂掉.
      [02:58.51]-Can I see it? -No. -我可以看吗? -不行.
      [02:59.94]Let me look. I can’t look for a second? 让我看看吧. 我就瞥一眼不行吗?
      [03:02.15]-You want to see where Bill is sitting. -No. That is over. Right? -你想知道比尔坐的位置吧. -不. 他们已经结束了。
      [03:05.72]Right? Giselle, right? 对不对? 杰斯丽, 对不?
      [03:10.39]Damn it. 去你的.
      [03:17.96]-Do I look a little bit like her? -Like who? -是不是看上去有些像她? -象谁?
      [03:21.93]-Katherine Watson. -You mean, "crap is art"? -凯瑟琳 沃森. -你是说, "垃圾是艺术的"?
      [03:26.14]-I think she’s fabulous. -Well, no man wanted her. -我觉得她真愚蠢. -可不, 没有男人娶她.
      [03:31.81]-She isn’t dead. -She’s at least 30. -她并不老. -她至少三十了.
      [03:34.14]-Oh, no. No. -I guess she never wanted children. -哦, 不行. 别看. -我猜她不想要孩子.
      [03:37.38]For your information... 根据你的情报...
      [03:39.48]...Katherine Watson had to take this job to escape from California. ...凯瑟琳 沃森 来这儿当老师 是为了逃离加利福尼亚.
      [03:46.22]Please. 快说吧.
      [03:47.66]She had a torrid affair with a Hollywood movie star. 她与一位好莱坞明星发生过骇人听闻的风流韵事.
      [03:51.73]-She came here to get away. -That’s ridiculous. -她 来这儿是为了逃开. -太荒唐了.
      [03:56.23]-Who was it? -I don’t know. -他是谁? -我不知道.
      [03:59.44]Who was it, Giselle? Don’t be a pimple! Tell me! 他是谁, 杰斯丽? 别卖关子了! 告诉我!
      [04:02.21]-It’s ridiculous. -Tell me. No, it’s not. You know. -真是荒唐. -告诉我. 不,你知道什么.
      [04:05.08]-You know something. Tell me. -It’s William Holden. -你一定知道点儿什么. 告诉我. -威廉 荷顿.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      蒙娜丽莎的微笑      
