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时间:2014-09-24 21:03来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:16.57]Twenty-five years ago someone thought this was brilliant. 25年前有人认为这张画精彩绝伦. [01:19.81]-I can see that. -Who? -看得出来. -这人是谁? [01:22.25]My mother. I painted it for her birthday. 我的母亲. 是
  •   [01:16.57]Twenty-five years ago someone thought this was brilliant. 25年前有人认为这张画精彩绝伦.
      [01:19.81]-I can see that. -Who? -看得出来. -这人是谁?
      [01:22.25]My mother. I painted it for her birthday. 我的母亲. 是我为她生日所画.
      [01:25.95]Next slide. This is my mom. 下一张. 这是我的母亲.
      [01:30.75]-ls it art? -It’s a snapshot. -这也是艺术? -一张快照而已.
      [01:34.22]If I told you Ansel Adams had taken it, would that make a difference? 如果我告诉你们这是安塞姆 亚当拍摄的呢, 这是否具有决定性意义呢?
      [01:39.23]-Art isn’t art until someone says it is. -It’s art! -是否可称为艺术需由某些人来决定. -这就是艺术!
      [01:44.90]-The right people. -Who are they? -需经权威人士认可. -他们是谁?
      [01:47.84]Betty Warren! 贝蒂 沃伦!
      [01:49.37]-We’re lucky we have one right here. -Screw you. -多么荣幸我们中间就有一位. -去你的.
      [01:54.75]Could you go back to the Soutine, please? 请回到苏蒂恩的作品?
      [01:59.45]Just look at it again. Look beyond the paint. 再看一遍. 透过画面去看.
      [02:03.65]Let us try to open our minds to a new idea. 让我们的心灵为新的思想打开一扇门.
      [02:11.46]All right, back to chapter three. Has anyone read it? 好, 回到第三章. 有人读过么?
      [02:17.80]Okay. 好的.
      [02:22.24]"When your courses are set, and a dream boat you’ve met... "当你的航程已然开启,梦中情人翩然而至...
      [02:25.34]...have a real cigarette. Have a Camel." ...点上一根香烟,骆驼牌的."
      [02:27.54]I’ve got my courses, I’ve got my Camel cigarette. Where is my dream boat? 我已经启程, 也点上了骆驼香烟. 我的梦中情人在哪里?
      [02:31.75]-Giselle, where is my dream boat? -Betty’s cousin isn’t good enough? -杰斯丽, 我的梦中情人在哪里? -贝蒂表兄如何?
      [02:35.45]-I haven’t met him. -Don’t encourage her. -我不认识他. -别逗她了.
      [02:37.65]He’s only escorting Connie as a favor. 他只是出于友好才陪伴康尼的.
      [02:40.39]Why are you like this? 你怎能这样说?
      [02:42.99]I didn’t mean that. 我不是那个意思.
      [02:45.26]I’m just under so much pressure with the wedding. 我对于婚礼感到太紧张了.
      [02:48.10]Do you realize November 2 is three weeks from now? 你是否意识到从现在算起 距离11月2日只有三周时间了?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      蒙娜丽莎的微笑      
