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时间:2014-09-24 21:02来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:07.71]Come on, ladies. Theres no wrong answer. 好吧, 女士们. 既然没人反对. [00:12.51]Theres also no textbook telling you what to think. 课本外的知识亦能有助于你们的思考. [00:17.01]Its not that easy, is i
  •   [00:07.71]Come on, ladies. There’s no wrong answer. 好吧, 女士们. 既然没人反对.
      [00:12.51]There’s also no textbook telling you what to think. 课本外的知识亦能有助于你们的思考.
      [00:17.01]It’s not that easy, is it? 不容易接受, 是吗?
      [00:20.18]All right. No. It’s not good. 哦不. 它很糟糕.
      [00:22.69]In fact, I wouldn’t even call it art. It’s grotesque. 实际上, 我甚至不愿称它为艺术. 如此怪诞丑陋.
      [00:25.69]Is there a rule against grotesque art? 有法则规定怪诞丑陋的便不是艺术了?
      [00:27.76]I think there’s something aggressive about it... 我觉得这里面富于侵略性...
      [00:31.96]-...and erotic. -To you, everything is erotic. -...和色情. -对你们来说, 任何事情都是色情的.
      [00:35.30]-Everything is erotic. -Girls. -任何事物都与色情有关. -女孩们.
      [00:37.87]-Aren’t there standards? -Of course. -难道存在标准吗? -当然.
      [00:40.27]Otherwise a tacky velvet painting could be equated to a Rembrandt. 否则,艳俗的天鹅绒画亦可 等同于伦伯朗的杰作.
      [00:43.81]My Uncle Ferdie has two tacky velvet paintings. He loves those clowns. 我的叔叔费迪就有两张俗气的天鹅绒画. 他爱死它们了.
      [00:48.18]There are standards, technique, composition, color, even subject. 艺术是有标准的,需要技巧的, 讲究构图,色彩,以及主题.
      [00:54.08]So if you’re suggesting that rotted side of meat is art... 因此如果你告诉我们这块腐烂的肉 也算艺术的话...
      [00:57.25]...much less good art, then what are we going to learn? ...更别提还是艺术杰作, 那么究竟我们要学什么?
      [01:01.59]Just that. 就是这个.
      [01:03.33]You have outlined our new syllabus, Betty. Thank you. 贝蒂,感谢你为我们概述了新的教学大纲,
      [01:07.06]What is art? What makes it good or bad? 什么是艺术? 怎样区分孰优孰劣?
      [01:10.13]And who decides? 由谁来判定?
      [01:13.07]Next slide, please. 请翻下一张.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      蒙娜丽莎的微笑      
