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时间:2014-09-24 21:01来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:01.93]The person they wanted took a job at Brown, and no one else was available. 他们想要的那人跑到布朗去了,一时有没有合适人选. [00:06.04]So here you are. 于是,就让你来了. [00:08.97]You can go in now.
  •   [00:01.93]The person they wanted took a job at Brown, and no one else was available. 他们想要的那人跑到布朗去了,一时有没有合适人选.
      [00:06.04]So here you are. 于是,就让你来了.
      [00:08.97]You can go in now. Good luck. 可以进去了. 祝你好运.
      [00:18.78]Your first class left a lot to be desired, Miss Watson. 你的第一堂课留下很多悬念,沃森小姐.
      [00:21.75]And I’m curious about the subject of your dissertation. 而且我对你的研究课题非常好奇.
      [00:25.59]You suggest, "Picasso will do for the 20th century... 你写到,"毕加索对于20世纪来说...
      [00:30.70]...what Michelangelo did for the Renaissance," unquote. ...相当于米开朗基罗之对于文艺复兴," .
      [00:35.40]In terms of influencing movements. 在表现主义运动时期.
      [00:38.04]So these canvases that they’re turning out these days... 他们使用画布的背面...
      [00:41.41]...with paint dripped and splotched on them... ...让颜料四处滴溅,任意涂抹色彩的作品...
      [00:44.64]...they’re as worthy of our attention as Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel? ...如同米开朗基罗的西斯庭教堂 一样值得我们关注?
      [00:50.15]I’m not comparing them. 我没有将它们相比较.
      [00:52.12]Have you ever seen the Sistine Chapel, Miss Watson? 你见过西斯庭教堂吗,沃森小姐?
      [00:55.92]Actually stood there? 亲自站在实物面前?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      蒙娜丽莎的微笑      
