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时间:2014-09-12 22:05来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:27.30]But breakfast and lunch, youre on your own. So... 早餐和晚餐自己解决. 所以... [04:31.07]...we each get our own shelf. Ill make your label this evening. ...我们都有自己储物格. 今晚我会给你的贴上标签
  •   [04:27.30]But breakfast and lunch, you’re on your own. So... 早餐和晚餐自己解决. 所以...
      [04:31.07]...we each get our own shelf. I’ll make your label this evening. ...我们都有自己储物格. 今晚我会给你的贴上标签.
      [04:36.57]I don’t need to tell you, everything on our individual shelves is sacrosanct. 不用我说, 在各人储物格里的私人物品 是神圣不可侵犯的.
      [04:44.35]I just knew when we met... 我就知道...
      [04:48.92]...we’d be instant friends. ...我们会成为一拍即合的好朋友.
      [00:09.47]Be careful. They can smell fear. 小心点儿. 她们可机灵了.
      [00:34.37]-Good morning. -Good morning. -早上好 -早上好.
      [00:37.54]Thank you. 谢谢.
      [00:39.94]This is History of Art 1 00. 本堂课讲授美术史 100.
      [00:45.38]We’ll be following Dr. Staunton’s syllabus. 我们将遵循斯坦顿博士的教学大纲.
      [00:49.58]-Any questions so far? -Your name? -有什么问题吗? -你的名字?
      [00:53.55]-Why don’t you go first? -Connie Baker. -为何不先从你开始? -康尼 贝克.
      [00:56.09]-Katherine Watson. Nice to meet you. -Dr. Watson, I presume. -凯瑟琳 沃森. 很高兴认识你们. -我想应该称你为沃森博士了.
      [01:01.86]-Not yet. And you are? -Giselle Levy. -还不是. 你的名字? -杰斯丽 利维.
      [01:05.26]Giselle. If someone could get the-- 杰斯丽. 哪位可以帮我把--
      [01:09.10]-Susan Delacorte. -Thank you, Susan Delacorte. -苏珊 德拉考蒂. -谢谢, 苏珊 德拉考蒂.
      [01:16.54]From the beginning, man has always had the impulse to create art. 最开始的时候,人类便拥有创造美术的冲动.
      [01:21.65]-Can anyone tell me what this is? -Wounded Bison, Altamira, Spain... -有人能回答这是什么吗? -《受伤的野牛》,奥尔塔米拉岩窟壁画, 西班牙...
      [01:25.25]...about 1 5,000 B.C. Joan Brandwyn. ...大约公元前15,000 年. 我是 琼 布兰德温.
      [01:28.99]Very good, Joan. 琼,非常好.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      蒙娜丽莎的微笑      
