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时间:2014-09-12 22:04来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:40.16]All women who seek to follow you can enter here. 所有和你怀有同样的抱负的女性都将受到欢迎. [02:45.43]I now declare the academic year begun. 现在我宣布新学年开始 [03:09.39]A shame you didnt come yester
  •   [02:40.16]All women who seek to follow you can enter here. 所有和你怀有同样的抱负的女性都将受到欢迎.
      [02:45.43]I now declare the academic year begun. 现在我宣布新学年开始
      [03:09.39]A shame you didn’t come yesterday. It’s so quiet before the girls arrive. 你要是昨天就到多好. 在女孩们报到之前,是那么宁静祥和.
      [03:16.63]Just a few rules. No holes in the walls. 只有几条规定. 墙上不能打洞.
      [03:20.16]No pets, no loud noises, no radio or hi-fi after 8 on weekdays... 禁止养宠物,禁止喧哗, 周一至周五晚8点后禁止听收音机或音响...
      [03:24.97]...1 0 on weekends... ...周末可延长到10点...
      [03:26.84]...no hot plates and no male visitors. ...禁止使用电熨斗以及不能有男性访客.
      [03:32.71]Anything wrong? 有什么不妥吗?
      [03:35.18]I don’t think I can go a year without a hot plate. 我没有电熨斗可不行.
      [03:42.85]Don’t you just love chintz? 你不是只喜欢印花棉布么?
      [03:46.02]And look. 看看这个.
      [03:51.93]They match. 很相配.
      [03:53.90]Sweet, right? Your room’s here. 亲爱的, 如何?  这就是你的房间了.
      [03:58.00]My room is just across the way... 我的房间在对面...
      [04:02.61]...and Amanda Armstrong’s down the other end. ... 阿曼达 阿姆斯壮的房间在另一头.
      [04:05.94]-You grew up here? -My whole life. -你在这儿长大? -我的一生都在这里.
      [04:08.78]You’ll meet my parents when they come to visit. 我的父母来时你可以见到他们.
      [04:12.78]-They visit? -Regularly. -他们会来? -经常来.
      [04:18.59]-What do you teach? -Speech, elocution and poise. -你教什么? -谈吐,演讲以及仪态.
      [04:24.70]Dinners are communal, so I’ll handle that. 晚餐一起吃,我负责烹饪.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      蒙娜丽莎的微笑      
