


时间:2013-05-02 13:35来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
令他处事不客观compromise his objectivity 出任高官长达二十年has spent 20 years in top government posts 出席簿attendance book 出现断层had not planned a successor 加入公务员队伍joined the civil service 加入政府
  令他处事不客观compromise his objectivity
  出任高官长达二十年has spent 20 years in top government posts
  出席簿attendance book
  出现断层had not planned a successor
  加入公务员队伍joined the civil service
  加入政府join the civil service
  召开紧急会议hold an emergency meeting
  外勤工作人员outdoor staff
  打击员工士气hit staff morale
  用人唯才recruited on the basis of intellectual ability
  由政务官出任纪律部队首长an administrative officer parachuting into a top disciplined serviced post
  由特首指定继任人选handpicked by the Chief Executive
  Legislators yesterday voiced fears of a slow-down in civil service reform with the transfer of Mr Lam.
  任劳任怨do with no complaints
  任期届满、让位stepped down
  全面暂停招聘公务员freeze civil service recruitment across the board
  向不能藉投票要求下台的政府官员泄愤vent frustration at public officials who cannot be voted out of office
  合作愉快have a cordial working relationship
  在她任内during her tenure
  在她任内最后一天说道said on her last day at the department
  在某方面有丰富的经验has wide experience in something
  成为政务司司长reach the top of the civil service
  有累积假期is owed leave
  有权立法减薪has the power to legislate a reduction in civil servants' pay
  自小学时已是朋友have been friends since primary school
  自此以后在政府里步步高升has since worked his way up the bureaucratic ladder
  行政会议非官方成员non-official members of the Executive Council/Executive Council members without portfolio
  行政经验administrative experience
  助理督察assistant inspector
  否认自己如传言所指般和某人不和denied rumours of a rift with somebody
  局长级官员directorate grade officers
  希望2007年任期届满后告老归田would like to become a farmer when his term ends in 2007
  希望由内部晋升a wish for internal promotion
  I believe he is the right person.
  找到替补人选find a replacement
  没有违反基本法第100条does not breach Article 100 of the Basic Law
  Both men refused to disclose what had been discussed.
  委任宗教领袖出任政府高职appointing religious leaders to top government positions
  延迟退休move back her retirement date
  房屋津贴tenancy allowance/housing allowance/rental allowance
  招聘公务员以外人才担任局长/空降局长appoint people from the private sector to senior posts
  抨击该任命fight the appointment
  放弃美籍give up his US passport
  于1971年获升为政务官was promoted to administrative officer in 1971
  直属上司immediate boss
  金紫荆星章Gold Bauhinia Star
  宣誓就职swearing in/to take the oath of office
  持有加拿大护照hold a Canadian citizenship
  指令退休directed to retire
  政府主任职系administrative officer (A.O.)
  Dr Yeoh's appointment will be on a three-year contract on D8 pay scale.
  政府高官highly placed members of the administration
  政府高官班底the top echelons of government
  政治技巧political skills
  是她的热门接任人选is tipped to succeed her
  为十八万公仆之首heads the 180,000-strong Civil Service
  负责中英联合声明overseeing the implementation of the Sino-British Joint Declaration
  香港政府华员会Chinese Civil Servants' Association, HK
  个别官员individual officials
  送货队delivery team
  退休官员retired officials
  退休高官retired senior officials
  高级公务员senior public servants
  高级管工senior foreman
  基本职级公务员basic rank staff
  培育人员groomed our staff
  将工作放在首位put work as the top priority
  得到特首挽留is asked by the Chief Executive to stay on
  从商界吸纳人才进政府bringing in talent from the private sector into government
  推行第二轮自愿退休计划launch the second phase of the Voluntary Retirement Scheme
  Mr Leung's portfolio will be handled temporarily by Secretary for Economic Development and Labour Stephen Ip Shu-kwan.
  符合基本法对该职位的国籍要求to fulfil the nationality requirement for the post under the Basic Law
  被封爵was knighted
  被强制休假was forced to go on involuntary leave
  通过自然流失和自动退休,务求在二零零六至零七年度把公务员编制数目减少一成cutting the civil service establishment by 10% by 2006-2007 through natural wastage and normal retirement
  Some people who are currently in positions of power do not meet the prerequisite to be rulers of Hong Kong.
  部长制ministerial system
  There was no one suitable in the department.
  Mrs Chan retires as Chief Secretary for Administration at the end of the month and will be succeeded by Financial Secretary Donald Tsang Yam-kuen.
  Senior officials must have heaved a sigh of collective relief after the Court of Final Appeal ruled last week that the government could cut civil servants' salaries by legislation.
  减少公务员数目slash the size of the civil service
  无私to be selfless with no personal motives
  华员会会长黄河Chinese Civil Servants' Association president Peter Wong Hyo
  贬低杨医生的任命的行政重要性played down the political significance of Dr Yeoh's appointment
  超时津贴overtime allowance
  塑造团结形象create an image of unity
  会全力协助主席交接时的过渡工作would fully support the handover of chairmanship
  会继续秉承优良传统will follow their fine traditions
  署理津贴acting allowance
  聘请公务员队伍以外人士picking people from outside the civil service
  达到60岁的退休年龄reaches the retirement age of 60
  尝试跟职员理论tried to reason with the officers
  对高官离职表示关注expressed concerns over the departure of senior officials from the civil service
  屡行做某事的诺言fulfill one's promise to do something
  屡行责任fulfill one's obligation
  监督职级supervising posts
  维持中立maintained a neutral stance
  银紫荆星章Silver Bauhinia Star
  铜紫荆星章Bronze Bauhinia Star
  废除职位scrap the post
  熟悉政府运作is familiar with the operations of the government
  It is Ip's hair that is most frequently caricatured.
  尽量把民意归向自己try their best to steer public opinion their way
  应专注手头上的工作should be focusing on the work in hand
  擦鞋文化'shoe-shining' culture
  隐藏辞职的真正原因conceal the real reason of his resignation
  简化调配和解雇人手的程序simplify redeployment and redundancy of staff
  Mr Kwong denied his departure was due to political pressure.
  继任某人出任某职位succeed somebody as something
  'decent old man'
  一定不可以有外国居留权must not have any right of abode abroad
  Mr Tung is frequently criticised for not taking public opinion into account.
  升上神台step up and sit back
  反董连任大联盟Coalition Against Secord Term
  引领香港走歪路leading Hong Kong in the wrong direction
  支持特首连任supported Tung Chee-hwa seeking a second term as Chief Executive/support Tung Chee-hwa serving a second term as Chief Executive
  Any proposed amendments must aim at consolidating the executive-led system headed by the chief executive and must not deviate from this principle of design.
  He has made the best use of his position as acting chief executive to talk to people on the street.
  His term expires at the end of June 2002.
  He strongly criticised the democrats for being ambiguous over the anti-Tung issue.
  His biggest regret was not being able to finish the second term.
  令公众对他的管治能力失去信心caused the public to lose confidence in his governance
  Only one in every five people believe Tung Chee-hwa should run for a second term as Chief Executive.
  People's desire for Mr Tung to quit had not lessened.
  市民对政府满意程度the level of public satisfaction with the Government's performance
  未能关注市民诉求failing to respect people's views
  末代港督彭定康last governor Chris Patten
  正式担任署理特首formally assumed his position as acting chief executive
  People's dissatisfaction will continue to accumulate and spread like an epidemic in the community.
  民怨会日深public grievances would continue to deepen
  民意取向令(官员)遭人取笑being pilloried in the court of public opinion
  Mr Tien pledged his party's support for Mr Tung for a second term.
  由八百人组成的选举委员会选出is picked by an 800-member election committee
  任期长度the term's length
  2008 was the latest date for the introduction of full universal suffrage.
  向富商屈服bow to pressure from rich businessmen
  在2008年进行全民普选have full universal suffrage by 2008

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